Journal Articles
TANG, T. An Investigation of Tax-Related Corporate Political Activity in China: Evidence from Consumption Bribery, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Volume 38, Number 1, 2023.
TANG, T. A Review of Tax Avoidance in China, China Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 13, Number 4, December, 2020.
TANG, T. The Value Implications of Tax avoidance across Countries, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Volume 34, Number 4, October, 2019.
TANG, T., Mo, P., and Chan, K. Tax Collector or Tax Avoider? An Investigation of Intergovernmental Agency Conflicts, The Accounting Review, Volume 92, Number 2, 2017.
TANG, T. Privatization, Tunneling, and Tax Avoidance in Chinese SOEs, Asian Review of Accounting, Volume 24, Number 3, 2016.
Chan, K. H. , Mo, P., and TANG, T. Tax Avoidance and Tunneling: Empirical Analysis from an Agency Perspective, Journal of International Accounting Research, Volume 15, Number 3, 2016.
TANG, T. Does Book-Tax Conformity Deter Opportunistic Book and Tax Reporting? An International Analysis, European Accounting Review, Volume 24, Number 3, 2015.
Shevlin, T., TANG, T., and Wilson , R. Domestic Income Shifting by Chinese Listed Firms, The Journal of the American Taxation Association, Volume 34, Number 1, 2012.
TANG, T. and Firth, M. Earnings Persistence and Stock Market Reactions to the Different Information in Book-Tax Differences, The International Journal of Accounting, Volume 47, Number 3, 2012.
TANG, T. and Firth, M. Can Book-Tax Differences Capture Earnings Management and Tax Management? Empirical Evidence from China, The International Journal of Accounting, Volume 46, Number 2, 2011.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Lei, J. Tax Avoidance and Disclosure Strategies - Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2023.
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Wu, W. Corporate Tax Avoidance and Annual Report Tone Ambiguity - Hawaii Accounting Research Conference, Manoa, Hawaii, 2022.
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Wu, W. Tax Avoidance and Disclosure Strategies - Paris Financial Management Conference, Paris, France, 2022.
TANG, T. An Investigation of Tax-Related Corporate Political Activity in China: Evidence from Consumption Bribery - the 2019 Journal of International Accounting Research Conference, Saguenay, Quebec, 2019.
TANG, T. An Investigation of Tax-Related Corporate Political Activity in China: Evidence from Consumption Bribery - Taxation and Financial Accounting Symposium. Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China, 2019.
TANG, T. An Empirical Test of the Association between Bribery Consumption and a Firm’s Tax Burden. - The Journal of International Accounting Research Conference, Venice, Italy, 2018.
TANG, T. Political Corruption and Tax Burden - The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2017.
TANG, T. The Value Implications of Tax avoidance across Countries - The Third Ontario University Accounting and Finance Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, October, 2016.
TANG, T. The Value Implications of Tax avoidance across Countries - Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance conference, Lake Louis, Alberta, June, 2016.
TANG, T. An Investigation of Controlling Shareholders Expropriation in a Transitional Economy - The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 2014.
TANG, T. Does Book-Tax Conformity Deter Opportunistic Book and Tax Reporting? An International Analysis - The 17th Australian Summer Accounting Conference, Sydney, Australia, February, 2014.
TANG, T. Tax Agency Costs and Firm Value: An International Investigation - The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, August, 2013.
TANG, T. The Effect of Book-Tax Conformity on Earnings Persistence: New Evidence - The Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, May, 2012.
Shevlin, T., TANG, T., and Wilson, R. Domestic Income Sifting by Chinese Listed Firms - The Journal of the American Taxation Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, February, 2010.
TANG, T. and Firth, M. Market Perceptions of the Information in Book-Tax Differences: an Empirical Study in China’s Capital Markets - The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, August, 2008.
TANG, T. and Firth, M. Market Perception of the Information in Book-Tax Differences: An Empirical Study in China’s Capital Markets - The Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May, 2008.
TANG, T. Book-Tax Differences: a Function of Accounting-Tax Misalignment, Earnings Management and Tax Management - The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Washington , District of Columbia, August, 2006.