Eric is interested in studying pricing and price perception, consumer estimations of value, consumer behaviour and behavioural economics. He also does case research and has won several awards for his business cases.
Journal Articles
Clemente, Sarah, Dolansky, E., Mantonakis, A. and White, K. The Effects of Perceived Product-Extrinsic Cue Incongruity on Consumption Experiences: The Case of Celebrity Sponsorship, Marketing Letters, Volume 25, Number 4, 2014.
Dolansky, E.. The Subjective Valuation of Coins and Bills, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume 31, Number 2, 2014.
Dolansky, E. and Vandenbosch, M.. Price Sequences, Perceived Variability, and Choice, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 22, Number 4, 2013.
Dolansky, E. and Vandenbosch, M.. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 60 Labour Arbitration Cases (4th Series), Volume 21, Number 4, 2012.
Dolansky, E. and Ilan, A.. Religious Freedom, Religious Diversity, and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 22, Number 1, 2008.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Clemente, S., Dolansky, E., Mantonakis, A. and White, K. The Effects of Perceived Product-Association Incongruity on Consumption Experiences - Academy of Wine Business Research Conference, Niagara, Ontario, June, 2013.
Clemente, S., Dolansky, E., Mantonakis, A. and White, K. The Effects of Perceived Product-Association Incongruity on Consumption Experiences - Association for Consumer Research, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, 2012.
Clemente, S., Dolansky, E., Mantonakis, A. and White, K. The Effects of Perceived Product-Association Incongruity on Consumption Experiences - Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research, Waterloo, Ontario, May, 2012.
Clemente, S., Dolansky, E., Mantonakis, A. and White, K. The Effects of Perceived Product-Association Incongruity on Consumption Experiences - Society for Consumer Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada, February, 2012.
Other Publications and Presentations
Dolansky, E.. Union Pearson Express: A Train Wreck in Slow Motion, Harvard Business Review, January, 2017.
Dolansky, E.. Union Pearson Express: A Train Wreck in Slow Motion, Ivey Publishing, 2017.