Journal Articles
Menzies, T. The complexity of defining family business: A longitudinal analysis, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, Volume 5, Number 1, 2016.
Finkle, T. A., Menzies, T. V., Kuratko, D. F., and Goldsby, M. An examination of the financial challenges of entrepreneurship centers throughout the world., Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 26, Number 1, 2013.
Menzies, T.V. and Schönfelder, J.D. Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in family businesses: Development of a theoretical model. , International Journal of Business and Management, Volume 2, Number 2, 2013.
Menzies, T.V. Developing entrepreneurs and corporate entrepreneurs: The university as a key player – or is it guilty of lost opportunities?, Journal of Teaching and Education, Volume 1, Number 5, 2012.
Finkle, T. A., Kuratko, D. F., Menzies, T. V., and Goldsby, M. G. Financing activities of entrepreneurship centers in the United States., Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 23, Number 2, 2012.
Menzies, T. V. Advancing teaching and learning in relation to university-based entrepreneurship education: A theoretical, model building approach., International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Volume 4, Number 11, 2011.
Kariv, D., Menzies, T. V., Brenner, G. A., and Filion, L. J. Business success among visible and non-visible ethnic entrepreneurs: a look at the effects of unemployment, co-ethnic involvement and human capital., Global Business and Economics Review, Volume 12, Number 1/2, 2010.
Menzies, T. V. Hi-Tech venturing preparedness education: Evidence of lost opportunities, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume 6, Number 1, 2010.
Brenner, G., Menzies, T. V., Dionne, L, and Filion, L. J. How location and ethnicity affect ethnic entrepreneurs in three Canadian cities, Thunderbird International Business Review, Volume 52, Number 2, 2010.
Kariv, D., Menzies, T., Brenner, G., and Filion, L. Transnational Networking and Business Performance: Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Canada, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Volume 21, Number 3, May, 2009.
De Clercq, D., Menzies, T., Diochon, M., and Gasse, Y. Explaining Nascent Entrepreneurs' Goal Commitment: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 22, Number 2, 2009.
Diochon, Monica, Menzies, T. V., and Gasse, Yvon Exploring the Nature and Impact of Gestation-Specific Human Capital among Nascent Entrepreneurs, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Volume 13, Number 2, 2008.
Paré, S., Menzies, T. V., Filion, L.J., and Brenner, G. Social capital and co-leadership in ethnic enterprises in Canada, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Volume 2, Number 1, 2008.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y. Attributions and success in new venture creation among Canadian nascent entrepreneurs, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 20, Number 4, September, 2007.
Menzies, T. V., Filion, L.J., Brenner, G., and Elgie, S. Measuring ethnic community involvement: Development and initial testing of an index., Journal of Small Business Management, Volume 45, Number 2, April, 2007.
Diochon, Monica, Menzies, T. V., and Gasse, Y. From becoming to being: Measuring firm creation, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Volume 15, Number 1, 2007.
Menzies, T.V. Invited Editorial, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Volume 1, Number 2, 2007.
Filion, L.J., Brenner, G., Dionne, L., and Menzies, T. V. L’identification d’une occasion d’affaires en contexte d’entrepreneuriat ethnique., Revue Internationale PME, Volume 20, Number 2, 2007.
Perreault, C., Brenner, G., Menzies, T. V., and Filion, L.J. Social capital and business performance: Ethnic enterprises in Canada, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Volume 1, Number 2, 2007.
Paré, S., Menzies, T.V., Brenner, G., and Filion, L.J. The internationalization or transnationalization of ethnic entrepeneurship: The situation in Canada, Review of International Comparative Management, Volume 8, Number 1, 2007.
Menzies, T., Diochon, M, Gasse, Y, and Elgie, S A longitudinal study of the characteristics, business creation process and outcome differences of Canadian female vs. male nascent entrepreneurs, International Entrepreneurship Management, Volume 2, Number 1, Fall, 2006.
Menzies, T. and Tatroff, H. The Propensity of Male vs. Female Students to take Courses and Degree Concentrations in Entrepreneurship, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 19, Number 2, February, 2006.
Menzies, T., Brenner, G, and Filion, Louis Jacques Derogatory myths about women entrepreneurs: Is there any substance to the myths in relation to visible minority women entrepreneurs?, International Management, Volume 10, Number 3, 2006.
Brenner, Gabrielle, Filion, Louis Jacques, Menzies, Teresa V., and Dionne, Lionel Problems Encountered by Ethnic Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Analysis Across Five Ethnic Groups, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 9, Number 2, 2006.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T. V., and Gasse, Y. Canadian nascent entrepreneurs’ start-up efforts: Outcomes and individual influences on sustainability, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 18, Number 1, June, 2005.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y. Exploring the relationship between start-up activities and new venture emergence: A longitudinal study of Canadian nascent entrepreneurs, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Volume 2, Number 3, 2005.
Menzies, T. V. Are universities playing a role in nurturing and developing high-technology entrepreneurs? The Administrators’ perspective, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Volume 5, Number 3, 2004.
Menzies, T. V., Diochon, M., and Gasse, Y. Examining venturing-related myths about women entrepreneurs with an investigation of nascent entrepreneurs., Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Volume 9, Number 2, 2004.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Menzies, T. V. Les entrepreneurs émergents dont l’entreprise est devenue opérationelle et les autres: Comparaisons lors de la conception du projet d’enterprise., Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 17, Number 2, 2004.
Filion, L., Brenner, G., Ramangalahy, C., and Menzies, T. V. Démarrage d’entreprises par les Chinois, Italiens et Sikhs au Canada: Quelques résultats empiriques., Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 16, Number 3/4, 2003.
Menzies, T. V. and Paradi, J. C. Entrepreneurship education and engineering students: Career path and business performance, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Volume 6, Number 2, 2003.
Menzies, T. V. and Paradi, J. C. Encouraging Technology-Based Ventures: Entrepreneurship Education and Engineering Graduates, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 5, Number 2, 2002.
Menzies, T. V. An Exploratory Study of University Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada: A First Step in Model Building, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Volume 15, Number 3, 2000.
Leithwood, K. and Menzies, T. V. A Review of Research Concerning the Implementation of Site-Based Management, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Volume 9, Number 3, 1998.
Leithwood, K. and Menzies, T.V. Forms and Effects of School-based Management: A Review, Educational Policy, Volume 12, Number 3, 1998.
Lawton, S.B., Menzies, T.V., and Ryall, M. Trends in Canadian educational expenditures: Is the worst over?, Journal of Education Finance, Volume 24, Number 2, 1998.
Leithwood, K., Menzies, T. V., Jantzi, D., and Leithwood, J. School restructuring, transformational leadership, and the amelioration of teacher burnout., Anxiety, Stress and Coping, Volume 9, Number 1, 1996.
Leithwood, K., Menzies, T. V., and Jantzi, D. Earning teachers commitment to curriculum reform., Peabody Journal of Education, Volume 69, Number 4, 1994.
Menzies, T.V. and Boak , T. The quality of life as perceived by students in a college of applied arts and technology., College Student Journal, Volume 28, Number 1, 1994.
Books Authored
Menzies, T. V. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian universities: Report of a national study of entrepreneurship education, Author, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2004. (128 pages).
Menzies, T.V. and Gasse, Y. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian Universities: Report of a National Study of Entrepreneurship Education, Author, St. Catharines, Ontario, 1999. (169 pages).
Menzies, T. V. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian Universities: Report of a National Study of Entrepreneurship Centres, Author, St. Cathariines, Ontario, 1998. (120 pages).
Book Chapters / Sections
Menzies, T. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Entrepreneurship - Chapter: Social Networks and Missing Entrepreneurs. Editors: Cooney, T.M.. Palgrave Macmillan, United Kingdom, 2021.
Diochon, Monica, Gasse, Yvon, and Menzies, T. V. New Business Creation: An International Overview - Chapter: The Canadian Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics. Editors: Paul D. Reynolds & Richard T. Curtin. Springer, United Kingdom, 2011.
Menzies, T. University-Based Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada: Strategies and Best Practices. - Chapter: University-Based Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada 2009. Editors: Menzies T.. Brock University, Ontario, 2009.
Gasse, Y, Diochon, M, and Menzies, T. Entrepreneuriat et innovation - Chapter: Le profil et le parcours des créateurs d’enterprises canadiens durant les deux prèmieres années. Editors: C. Mayoukou & C. Ratsimbazafy. L’Harmattan, France, 2006.
Menzies, T. The Dynamics of Learning Entrepreneurship in a Cross-Cultural University Context - Chapter: Entrepreneurship education at universities across Canada. Editors: P. Kyrö & C. Carrier. University of Tampere, Finland, 2005.
Filion, L. J., Ramangalahy, C., Brenner, G. A., and Menzies, T. Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship - Chapter: Chinese, Italian and Sikh ethnic entrepreneurship in Canada: Implications for the research agenda, education programs and public policy. Editors: . Edward Elgar Publishing, Massachusetts, 2004.
Menzies, T., Brenner, G., and Filion, L. Globalization and Entrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy Perspectives - Chapter: Social Capital, Networks and Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs: Transnational Entrepreneurship and Bootstrap Capitalism. Editors: H. Etemad;R.W. Wright. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, Massachusetts, 2003.
Press, H and Menzies, T. Financing Canadian Education - Chapter: The federal role in education finance and post-secondary education. Editors: . Canadian Education Association, Ontario, 1996.
Books Edited
University-Based Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada: Strategies and Best Practices.. Menzies, T. (Editors). Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2009. (221 pages).
University-Based Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada: Strategies and Best Practices. Menzies, T. V. (Editors). Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2009. (219 pages).
Entrepreneurship and the Canadian Universities: Strategies and Best Practices of Entrepreneurship Centres. Menzies, T. V. (Editors). Author, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2002. (161 pages).
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Menzies, T. The complexity of defining family business: A longitudinal analysis - International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, Msida, Malta, 2016.
Menzies, T. Dimensions of Innovation Flexibility: Applying This Theory in the Family Business Context - European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 10th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Bergamo, Italy, 2014.
Menzies, T. Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in family businesses: A theoretical framework - International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
Menzies, T. Family Business Research: An Examination of the Last 14 Years of Published Research - Sam Houston State University, College of Business Administration, Department of General Business and Finance, 5th Annual General Business Conference, Huntsville, Texas, 2013.
Menzies, T. Developing entrepreneurs and corporate entrepreneurs for knowledge based industries: The university as a key player – or is it guilty of lost opportunities? - International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, Paris, France, April, 2012.
Menzies, T. Model building in relation to teaching and learning with implications for university-based entrepreneurship education. - International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, Orlando, Florida, March, 2011.
Menzies, T. and Lococo, J. Building our knowledge of family business: what are the Major topics and theoretical perspectives being published – a 10 year review. - Small Business Institute Annual Conference, Bonita Springs, Florida, February, 2011.
Finkle, T., Menzies, T. V., Goldsby, M., and Kuratko, D. A global examination of the financial challenges in entrepreneurship centers, - International Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 2010.
Menzies, T. Hi-Tech venturing preparedness: Lost opportunities and lessons to be learned - Business & Economics Society International (B&ESI) Conference, Nassau, Bahamas, January, 2010.
Menzies, T. A Catalyst for Economic Growth or Business as Usual: An Empirical Study of 25 University-Based Entrepreneurship Centers - National Conference for Academic Disciplines, Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 2009.
Menzies, T. University-Based Entrepreneurship Centres: Frameworks for Analysis. - USASBE, Anaheim, California, January, 2009.
Menzies, T. Strategies for launching a successful business via an incubator - Invited presentation to the Barbados National Incubator, Bridgetown, Barbados, November, 2008.
Menzies, T. Winning Strategies for Entrepreneurs. Invited keynote presentation - Department of Management Studies 3rd International Management Conference, Bridgetown, Barbados, November, 2008.
Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship and the Canadian Universities: The Importance of Philanthropy re Entrepreneurship Centres - ICSB, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 2008.
Menzies, T. The Development of a Discipline: Entrepreneurship Education at Universities in Canada. Growth, Trends and Pedagogy/Andragogy - ICSB, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 2008.
Menzies, T., Brenner, G., Filion, L. J., and Elgie, S. Social Capital Advantage, Fact or Fiction: Chinese, Italian, Jewish, Sikh, and Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in Canada - SBI Annual Conference, San Diego, California, February, 2008.
Menzies, T. Applying Evolutionary Theory to Family Business: Examining Transformation Associated with Succession - IFERA Annual Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, June, 2007.
Menzies, T., Diochon, M., and Gasse, Y Mixed and Same Sex Entrepreneurial Founding Teams: Composition, Characteristics, Process and Outcome Differences - ICSB World Conference, Turku, Finland, June, 2007.
Gasse, Y, Menzies, T., and Diochon, M La démarche des entrepreneurs naissants: Etude nationale et perspectives internationales - 8th Congrès international en Entrepreneuriat et PME, Fribourg, Switzerland, October, 2006.
Menzies, T., Diochon, M., Gasse, Y., and Elgie, S. A longitudinal study of nascent entrepreneurs: The gender factor. - Sixth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change, Prato, Italy, July, 2006.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y The nature and impact of financial literacy among nascent entrepreneurs - 34th Annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Banff, Alberta, June, 2006.
Menzies, T. The development of entrepreneurship education across universities in Canada 1999-2004 - Ontario Association of Business Education Co-ordinators, annual conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, November, 2005.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y. An empirical study of Canadian nascent entrepreneurs’ attributions and their relationship to success in creating a new business - Annual CCSBE/CCPME Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, October, 2005.
Menzies, T. and Tatroff, H. The Propensity of Male vs. Female Students to take Courses and Degree Concentrations in Entrepreneurship - Annual CCSBE/CCPME Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, October, 2005.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y From becoming to being: Measuring firm creation. - Enterprise Development Growth & Expansion (EDGE) Conference, Singapore, Singapore, July, 2005.
Brenner, G. A., Cimper, P., Menzies, T. V., and Filion, L. J. Démarrage d’entreprises ethniques: Quelques particularités du context canadien - 7th Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME, Les Universités Montpellier, l’Agro-M, France, October, 2004.
Pare, S., Menzies, T. V., Brenner, G. A., and Filion, L. J. The internationalization or transnationalization of ethnic entrepreneurship: The situation in Canada - Proceedings of the 7th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Montreal, Quebec, September, 2004.
Menzies, T. V., Filion, L. J., and Brenner, G. A. An index of ethnic involvement: What can we learn about personal satisfaction, business characteristics and outcomes and the usefulness of EI as a predictor of these outcomes? - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 2004.
Menzies, T. V., Brenner, G. A., and Filion, L. J. Ethnic minority entrepreneurs and the social capital advantage: An examination of ethnic community involvement by ethnic group - British Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Track, St. Andrews, Scotland, August, 2004.
Menzies, T. V., Diochon, M., and Gasse, Y. The influence of human, social and financial capital on nascent entrepreneur outcomes - British Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Track, St. Andrews, Scotland, August, 2004.
Menzies, T. V. The evolution of a discipline: Examining entrepreneurship education across universities in Canada - IntEnt2004 Conference, Naples, Italy, July, 2004.
Pare, S., Menzies, T. V., Brenner, G. A., and Filion, L. J. Co-leadership et entreprises ethniques au Canada, portrait des groupes Chinois, Italiens, Indiens/Sikh, Vietnamiens et Juifs - Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Quebec City, Quebec, June, 2004.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T. V., and Gasse, Y. Exploring the sequence and duration of nascent entrepreneurs’ start-up activities: An empirical study - Proceedings of the International Council for Small Business 49th World Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, June, 2004.
Gasse, Y., Menzies, T. V., and Diochon, M. La dynamique et les caractéristiques des enterprises émergentes; Les premiers stades de développement - Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Quebec City, Quebec, June, 2004.
Menzies, T. V. New venture ownership teams: Homogeneity or heterogeneity according to psychological type and what this means for team and venture functioning - Babson/Kauffman Research Conference, Strathclyde University, Scotland, June, 2004.
Menzies, T. V. Are universities playing a role in nurturing and developing high technology entrepreneurs? - 12th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference 2004, Enschede, Netherlands, May, 2004.
Menzies, T., Filion, L., and Brenner, G. A Study of Entrepreneurs' Ethnic Involvement Utilizing Personal and Business Characteristics - 20th CCSBE/CCPME Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, November, 2003.
Diochon, M., Menzies, T. V., and Gasse, Y. Insight into the Dynamics of Canadian Nascent Entrepreneurs Start-up Efforts and the Role Individual Factors Play in the Process - 20th CCSBE/CCPME Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, November, 2003.
Menzies, T. The 4 Ps of Entrepreneurship: Universities and Entrepreneurship Education and Development - CCSBE/CCPME Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, November, 2003.
Filion, L., Menzies, T., Pare, S., and Brenner, G. Patterns of Co-Leadership in Ethnic Businesses: A Comparative Study of the Chinese, Italian and Indian/Sikh Communities in Canada - McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Belfast, Ireland, September, 2003.
Menzies, T. 21st Century Pragmatism : Universities and Entrepreneurship Education and Development - 48th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Belfast, Ireland, June, 2003.
Brenner, G., Menzies, T., and Filion, L. Creathins d'entreprises et promotion sociale: Entrepreneurs ethniques et chomage. Le cas du Canada - Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Aix-en-Provence, France, June, 2003.
Menzies, T., Gasse, Y., and Diochon, M. Derogatory Myths and Flawed Theory about Women Entrepreneurs: Nascent Entrepreneurs - 48th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Belfast, Ireland, June, 2003.
Filion, L., Menzies, T., Brenner, G., and Cimper, P. Entreprises Ethniques: Comparaison Du Role-Set Des Entrepreneurs Hommes Et Femmes Des CommunautTs Chinoises, Italiennes Et Sikhs De MontrTal, Toronto Et Vancouver - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 2003.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Menzies, T. Les Entrepreneurs Naissants Dont L'entreprise Est Devenue OpTrationnelle Et Les Autres: Comparaisons Lors De La Conception Du Projet D'entreprise - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 2003.
Perreault, C., Brenner, G., Menzies, T., Filion, L., and Ramangalahy, C. Social Capital and Ethnic Business Performance: Entrepreneurs from Three Ethnic Groups in Canada - Babson College/Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June, 2003.
Menzies, T., Brenner, G., and Filion, L. The Double Jeopardy of Ethnic Minority Women Entrepreneurs in Canada - 48th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, Belfast, Ireland, June, 2003.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Menzies, T. Le profil et le parcours des créateurs d’entreprise canadiens durant les deux premiéres années - Proceedings of the VIIIe Journées scientifiques, Réseau Entrepreneuriat, Rouen, France, May, 2003.
Kaciak, E. and Menzies, T. Exploring an International Venturing Opportunity: An Action Research Case Study from Poland - The International Applied Business Research Conference (2003), Acapulco, Mexico, March, 2003.
Diochon, M., Gasse, Y., Menzies, T., and Garand, D. Canadian Nascent Entrepreneurs: To Be Or Not To Be (an Operating Business)? - Proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, November, 2002.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Menzies, T. Entrepreneurs naissants au Canada: La démarche des deux premières années - Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November, 2002.
Brenner, G., Menzies, T., Filion, L., Ramangalahy, C., and Pare, S. Entreprises ethniques et identité du partenariat: Une étude comparative entre Chinois, Italiens et Indiens/Sikhs au Canada - Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November, 2002.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Menzies, T. Les entrepreneurs naissants et la poursuite de leur projet d’enterpise: Une étude longitudinale - Proceedings of the CIFPME Conference, Montreal, Quebec, October, 2002.
Menzies, T. Women Entrepreneurs: Flawed Theory and Derogatory Mthys - Growth of Women-Owned Firms and Canadian Public Policy, Public Policy Forum, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October, 2002.
Ramangalahy, C., Brenner, G., Menzies, T., and Filion, L. Ethnic Enterprise Start-up Stage: An Empirical Survey Among the Chinese, Italian and Sikh Entrepreneurial Communities - Proceedings of the Third McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship, Montreal, Quebec, September, 2002.
Ramangalahy, C., Menzies, T., Filion, L., Brenner, G., and Michel, D. Entrepreneuriat ethnique et développment local – Comparaisons des contributions des entrepreneurs ethniques au Canada: les Chinois, les Italiens, les Indiens/Sikhs - Proceedings of the 18e Colloque annuel de L'Association de science regionale de langue frantaise (ASRLF), sur l'entrepreneuriat et le developpement local, Trois Rivieres, Quebec, August, 2002.
Filion, L., Menzies, T., Ramangalahy, C., and Brenner, G. Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Canada: Problems Encountered as Defined by Differences in Ethnic Origin and Sex - Proceedings of the 47th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June, 2002.
Menzies, T., Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., and Garand, D. Nascent Entrepreneurs in Canada: An Empirical Study - Proceedings of the 47th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June, 2002.
Diochon, M., Gasse, Y., and Menzies, T. Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Action: Exploring the Link - Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May, 2002.
Ramangalahy, C., Filion, L., Menzies, T., Brenner, G., and Cimper, P. Entreprises ethniques:place de la famille et du groupe ethnique dans l'entreprise - Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Entrepreneurship and Family Business Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May, 2002.
Menzies, T. Unternehmensgründungen und die kanadishen Universitäten: Strategien und die wirksamsten Praxen der Unternehmensgründungen. (Initiating, developing and networking for entrepreneurial excellence: An empirical study of Canadian university entrepreneurship c - Second International GET UP - Workshop on University-based Start-ups, Jena, Germany, April, 2002.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Garand, D. Canadian Study of Nascent Entrepreneurs: Profile of Operating Businesses - Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Quebec City, Quebec, October, 2001.
Filion, L., Ramangalahy, C., Brenner, G., and Menzies, T. Chinese, Italian and Sikh Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Canada: Implications for the Research Agenda, Education Programs and Public Policy - Proceedings of the McGill/Strathclyde International Entrepreneurship Conference, Strathclyde, Scotland, September, 2001.
Paradi, J. and Menzies, T. Engineering Students and Entrepreneurship Education: Satisfaction, Career Path and Propensity to Venture - Canadian Conference on Engineering Education (C2E2), Victoria, British Columbia, August, 2001.
Menzies, T. Succession/Transition Success in 16 Canadian Family Businesses: What Can We Learn from the Victors? - 17th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies, Sub Theme 13, An Odyssey of Family Firm Dynamics, Lyon, France, July, 2001.
Filion, L.J., Brenner, G.A., Menzies, T.V., and Ramangalahy, C. Characteristics and Features of Chinese and Italian Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Canada: Implications for the Businesses, Research and Government Policies - Entrepreneurship Research Conference of the Babson College/Kauffman Foundation, Jonkoping, Sweden, June, 2001.
Diochon, M., Gasse, Y., Menzies, T., and Garand, D. From Conception to Inception: Initial Findings from the Canadian Study on Entrepreneurial Emergence - The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship Division, London, Ontario, May, 2001.
Gasse, Y., Diochon, M., Menzies, T., and Garand, D. A Preliminary Report on the Entrepreneurial Process and Firm Births - Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Ottawa, Ontario, November, 2000.
Brenner, G.A., Ramangalahy, C., Filion, L.J., Menzies, T., and Amit, R.H. Problèmes rencontrés par les entrepreneurs Chinois: Une étude comparative réalisée dans trois grandes villes Canadiennes - Proceedings of the Congrès International Francophone, Lille, France, October, 2000.
Menzies, T., Brenner, G., Filion, L., and Lowry, L. International Entrepreneurship Within National Borders: A Review - Second Biennial McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers, Montreal, Quebec, September, 2000.
Brenner, G.A., Ramangalahy, C., Filion, L.J., Menzies, T., and Amit, R.H. Problems Encountered by Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Analysis in Three Major Canadian Cities - The 30th European Small Business Seminar, Gent, Belgium, September, 2000.
Menzies, T.V., Brenner, G., Filion, L.J., and Lowry, L. Transnational Entrepreneurship and Bootstrap Capitalism: Social Capital, Networks and Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship - Second Biennial McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers, Montreal, Quebec, September, 2000.
Brenner, G.A., Ramangalahy, C., Filion, L.J., Menzies, T., and Amit, R.H. Entrepreneuriat ethnique et rôle des réseaux de soutien: Les entrepreneurs Chinois dans trois grandes villes Canadiennes - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Entrepreneurship Division, Montreal, Quebec, July, 2000.
Loucks, K., Menzies, T., and Gasse, Y. The Evolution of Canadian University Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum over Two Decades - Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference, Tampere, Finland, July, 2000.
Brenner, G., Menzies, T., Ramangalahy, C., Amit, R., and Filion, L. Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Canada: Comparison of the Chinese Communities in Three Canadian cities - Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver - ICSB World Conference, Brisbane, Australia, June, 2000.
Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship Education in Canada - Building The Entrepreneurial Culture in our Schools: A Professional Development Conference for Educators, London, Ontario, February, 2000.
Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship Education in Canada - Building the Entrepreneurial Culture in our Schools: A Professional Development Conference for Educators, London, Ontario, February, 2000.
Menzies, T. Nurturing Creativity to Enhance Opportunity Identification - Building the Entrepreneurial Culture in our Schools: A Professional Development Conference for Educators, London, Ontario, February, 2000.
Menzies, T., Paradi, J., and O'Connor, R. Satisfaction with and Utilization of Entrepreneurship Education: Preliminary Results of a Longitudinal Study - Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Banff, Alberta, November, 1999.
Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship Education at Canadian Universities: Preliminary Results of a National Study - The Jump Right In Conference for Entrepreneurship Educators and Consultants, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August, 1999.
Krikke, B., Vankrimpen, R., and Menzies, T. Internet, hype or substance? A study regarding the use of the internet as an effective business tool by national and international wineries. - Crossing Borders 1999 Conference, St. Catharines, Ontario, May, 1999.
Menzies, T. and Gasse, Y. Entrepreneurship Centres: A Study of Functional Diversity and a Case Study of Using Functional Diversity to Further Entrepreneurship Development - The Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October, 1998.
Menzies, T. University Partnerships, Canadian Universities and Entrepreneurship Development: The Role of Entrepreneurship Centres - The Economic Developers Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October, 1998.
Glas, M. and Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship Centres at Universities: Comparison of Canada and Slovenia - INTENT Conference at the European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany, July, 1998.
Menzies, T. Entrepreneurship Centres in Canada: An Exploratory Study Aimed at Model Building - The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May, 1998.
Menzies, T. V. A Conceptualization of the Dynamics of Commitment Within an Organization: A Process Model and Exploratory Study - Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John's, Newfoundland, June, 1997.
Menzies, T. and Leithwood, K. What do we know about school councils? - XXIV CSSE Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Educational Administration, St. Catharines, Ontario, June, 1996.
Menzies, T. Site based management and the question of accountability - Annual Conference of the Department of Educational Administration, Toronto, Ontario, May, 1996.
Leithwood, K., Menzies, T., Jantzi, D., and Leithwood, J. Teacher burnout: A critical challenge for leaders of restructuring schools - Johann Jacobs Conference sponsored by Harvard University, Stuttgard, Germany, November, 1995.
Menzies, T. V. Teacher/Professor commitment in colleges of applied arts and technology: Objects and Influences - XXV Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Montreal, Quebec, June, 1995.
Menzies, T. The financing of post-secondary education and training in Canada: The role of governments - the XXII annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Montreal, Quebec, June, 1995.
Davis, J., Menzies, T., and Wang, M. Organizational culture in two settings: A comparison of the organizational culture in a Chinese and a Canadian School - Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Calgary, Alberta, June, 1994.
Menzies, T. and Leithwood, K. Teacher commitment: Sources, objects, practices and influences - Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1994.
Other Publications and Presentations
Gasse, Y., Menzies, T. V., Diochon, M., and Tremblay, M. National study on entrepreneurial process and firm birth: Report on findings., n/a, November, 2002.
Menzies, T. V. Entrepreneurial teams: Interpretation of psychological type: Report to survey respondents, n/a, 2001.
Menzies, T. V. Final Report to colleges: Teacher commitment in three colleges of applied arts and technology., n/a, 1996.
Leithwood, K. and Menzies, T. V. Forms and effects of school-based management and school councils., The Knowledge Base for Educational Reform, 1996.
Leithwood, K. and Menzies, T. V. Inventory of research and development projects., The Knowledge Base for Educational Reform, 1996.
Lawton , S.B., Ryall, M., and Menzies, T. V. Ontario public elementary/secondary education costs as compared to other provinces, Report for the Ontario Ministry of Education and Traing, 1996.
Hickcox, E. and Menzies, T. V. School board governance and educational reform, The Knowledge Base for Educational Reform, 1996.
Leithwood, K. and Menzies, T. V. Strategies for implementing school-based management and school councils., The Knowledge Base for Educational Reform, 1996.
Menzies, T. V. Interim report to colleges: Teacher commitment in three colleges of applied arts and technology., n/a, 1994.