Dr. Lei’s research interests include corporate liquidity management, credit contagion risk, bank lending, corporate financial disclosure, supply chain, corporate culture, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, labour dynamics, and the impact of managerial overconfidence and biases.
Dr. Lei’s work has appeared in leading finance journals such as Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Journal of Behavioral Finance. His research has been sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC).
Dr. Lei has served as a referee for journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, European Financial Management, Financial Review, British Journal of Management, British Accounting Review, Journal of Behavioral Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, and China Finance Review International.
Journal Articles
Lei, J., Qiu, J., Wan, C., and Yu, F. Credit risk spillovers and cash holdings, Journal of Corporate Finance, Forthcoming.
Deaves, R., Lei, J., and Schröder, M. Forecaster overconfidence and market survey performance, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Volume 20, 2019.
Lei, J., Qiu, J., and Wan, C. Asset tangibility, cash holdings, and financial development, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 50, 2018.
Ertugrul, M., Lei, J., Qiu, J., and Wan, C. Annual report readability, tone ambiguity, and the cost of borrowing, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 52, 2017.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Lei, J. Tax Avoidance and Disclosure Strategies - Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2023.
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Wu, W. Corporate Tax Avoidance and Annual Report Tone Ambiguity - Hawaii Accounting Research Conference, Manoa, Hawaii, 2022.
Lei, J., TANG, T., and Wu, W. Tax Avoidance and Disclosure Strategies - Paris Financial Management Conference, Paris, France, 2022.
Lei, J., Qiu, J., and Wan, C. Asset tangibility, cash holdings, and financial development - China International Conference in Finance (CICF), Xiamen, China, 2016.
Lei, J., Qiu, J., and Wan, C. Asset tangibility, cash holdings, and financial development - Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2015.
Deaves, R., Lei, J., and Schröder, M. Forecaster overconfidence and market survey performance - Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC), Paris, France, 2014.