Journal Articles
Ifinedo, P., Vachon, F. and Ayanso, A.. Reducing data privacy breaches: an empirical study of relevant antecedents and an outcome, Information Technology & People, In Press.
Chen, L., Lertwachara, K. and Ayanso, A.. The Impact of ICT Development on Economic Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Country Level Analysis, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Forthcoming.
Biktimirov, E., Sokolyk, T. and Ayanso, A.. What is behind housing sentiment?, Finance Research Letters, Volume 60, February, 2024.
Carfagnini, Q., Ayanso, A., Law, M., Orlando, E. and Faught, B.. What Factors Increase Odds of Long-Stay Delayed Discharge in Alternate Level of Care Patients?, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, Volume 24, Number 9, September, 2023.
Hodgson, G., Pace, A., Carfagnini, Q., Ayanso, A., Gardner, P., Narushima, M., Ismail, Z. and Faught, B.. Risky Business: Factors That Increase Risk of Falls Among Older Adult In-Patients, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Volume 9, July, 2023.
Yang, X., Joukova, A., Ayanso, A. and Zihayat, M.. Social Influence-based Contrast Language Analysis Framework for Clinical Decision Support Systems, Decision Support Systems, Volume 159, Number 1, August, 2022.
Ayanso, A., Han, M. and Zihayat, M.. An Automated Mobile App Labelling Framework Based on Primary Motivations for Smartphone Use, International Journal of Web Information Systems, Volume 18, Number 1, February, 2022.
Ayanso, A., Visser, D., Yoogalingam, R. and Kusy, M.. Integrating Keyword Segmentation and Budget Allocation Decisions in Sponsored Search Advertising: An Exploratory Simulation Study, International Journal of E-business Research, Volume 18, Number 1, 2022.
Zihayat, M., Ayanso, A., Davoudi, H., Kargar, M. and Mengesha, N.. Leveraging Non-Respondent Data in Customer Satisfaction Modeling, Journal of Business Research, Volume 135, October, 2021.
Biktimirov, E., Sokolyk, T. and Ayanso, A.. Sentiment and hype of business media topics and stock market returns during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 31, September, 2021.
Mengesha, N., Demissie, D. and Ayanso, A.. Profiles and Evolution of E-government Readiness in Africa: A Segmentation Analysis, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, Volume 11, Number 1, Winter, 2020.
Zihayat, M., Ayanso, A., Zhao, X., Davoudi, H. and An, A.. A Utility-Based News Recommendation System, Decision Support Systems, Volume 117, February, 2019.
Chen, L., Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. Performance Impacts of Web-Enabled Retail Services: An Empirical Study, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 58, Number 4, October, 2018.
Demissie, D., Rorissa, A. and Ayanso, A.. Understanding Parents’ Intention to Use a Learning Community Management System in K-12 Schools: An Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, Volume 8, Number 4, October, 2017.
Podolak, I., Ayanso, A., Connolly, M., Law, M. and Cosby, J.. Convergent Analytics and Informed Decision-Making: A Retrospective Multi-method Case Study Project in Kenya, Health Policy and Technology, Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2017.
Huizinga, T., Ayanso, A., Smoor, M. and Wronski, T.. Exploring Insurance and Natural Disaster Tweets Using Text Analytics, International Journal of Business Analytics, Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2017.
Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. Analyzing Customer Service Technologies for Online Retailing: A Customer Service Life Cycle Approach, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 55, Number 4, Summer, 2015.
Ayanso, A and Lertwachara, K. An Analytics Approach to Exploring the Link between ICT Development and Affordability, Government Information Quarterly, Volume 32, Number 4, September, 2015.
Ayanso, A., Herath, T. and OBrien, N.. Understanding Continuance Intentions of Physicians with Electronic Medical Records (EMR): An Expectancy-Confirmation Perspective, Decision Support Systems, Volume 77, Number 1, September, 2015.
Ayanso, A. and Karimi, A.. The Moderating Effects of Keyword Competition on the Determinants of Ad Position in Sponsored Search Advertising, Decision Support Systems, Volume 70, Number 1, February, 2015.
Ayanso, A., Cho, D.I. and Lertwachara, K.. ICT Development and the Digital Divide: A Global and Regional Assessment, Information Technology for Development, Volume 20, Number 1, January, 2014.
Ayanso, A., Goes, P.B. and Mehta, K.. Range Query Estimation with Data Skewness for Top-k Retrieval, Decision Support Systems, Volume 57, Number 1, January, 2014.
Ayanso, A., Cho, D. and Lertwachara, K.. Information and Communications Technology Development and the Digital Divide: A Global and Regional Assessment, Information Technology for Development, Volume 20, Number 1, 2014.
Ayanso, A. and Mokaya, B.. Efficiency Evaluation in Search Advertising, Decision Sciences, Volume 44, Number 5, October, 2013.
Ayanso, A., Chatterjee, D. and Cho, D.I.. E-Government Readiness Index: A Methodology and Analysis, Government Information Quarterly, Volume 28, Number 4, October, 2011.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Thongpapanl, N.. The Effect of Customer Service and Content Management on Online Retail Sales Performance: The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction, AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 3, Number 3, September, 2011.
Shah , G.H., Lertwachara, K. and Ayanso, A.. Record Linkage in Healthcare: Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges for Public Health, International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiatives, Volume 2, Number 3, Summer, 2010.
Ayanso, A., Cho, D.I. and Lertwachara, K.. The Digital Divide: Global and Regional ICT Leaders and Followers, Information Technology for Development, Volume 16, Number 4, October, 2010.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Thongpapanl, N.. Technology-enabled Retail Services and Online Sales Performance, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 50, Number 3, 2010.
Ayanso, A., Goes, P.B. and Mehta, K.. A Cost-Based Range Estimation for Mapping Top-k Selection Queries over Relational Databases, Journal of Database Management, Volume 20, Number 4, Fall, 2009.
Ayanso, A. and Yoogalingam, R.. Profiling Retail Web Site Functionalities and Conversion Rates: A Cluster Analysis, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Volume 14, Number 1, Fall, 2009.
Adamson, I., Ayanso, A. and Herath, H.. Sharp Cost Data, Industrial Management, Volume 50, Number 6, November, 2008.
Ayanso, A., Goes, P. B. and Mehta, K.. A Practical Approach for Efficiently Answering Top-k Relational Queries, Decision Support Systems, Volume 44, Number 1, November, 2007.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Vachon, F.. Diversity or Identity Crisis? An Examination of Leading IS Journals, Communications of the AIS, Volume 20, Number 42, November, 2007.
Ayanso, A., Nair, S. K. and Diaby, M.. Inventory Rationing via Drop-Shipping in Internet Retailing: A Sensitivity Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 171, Number 1, May, 2006.
Book Chapters / Sections
Mengesha, N. and Ayanso, A.. Handbook of Research on Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry - Chapter: Examining the Evolution of E-Government Development of Nations Through Machine Learning Techniques.. Editors: . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2021.
Ayanso, A. and Moyers, D.. Open Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications - Chapter: Social Media Use in the Public Sector (Reprint). Editors: . Information Resources Management Association, Pennsylvania, 2020.
Ayanso, A.. Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications - Chapter: Business and Technology Trends in Social CRM (Reprint). Editors: . Information Resources Management Association, Pennsylvania, 2019.
Ayanso, A.. Handbook of Research on managing and Influencing Consumer Behaviour - Chapter: Business and Technology Trends in Social CRM. Editors: H. R. Kaufmann. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2015.
Ayanso, A. and Moyers, D.. Digital Solutions for Contemporary Democracy and Government - Chapter: Social Media Use in the Public Sector. Editors: K. J. Bwalya. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2015.
Ayanso, A. and Visser, D.. Digital Arts and Entertainment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications - Chapter: Analytics and Performance Management Frameworks for Social Customer Relationship Management (Reprint). Editors: IRMA, USA - Reprint. Information Resources Management Association, Pennsylvania, 2014.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Mokaya, B.. Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics - Chapter: Marketing Meets Social Media: Classification and Evolution of Internet Marketing. Editors: A. Ayanso and K. Lertwachara. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2014.
Ayanso, A. and Visser, D.. Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics - Chapter: Analytics and Performance Measurement Frameworks for Social Customer Relationship Management . Editors: A. Ayanso and K. Lertwachara. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2014.
Ayanso, A.. Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (3 Volumes) - Chapter: Social CRM: Platforms, Applications, and Tools (Reprint). Editors: IRMA, USA - Reprint. Information Resources Management Association, Pennsylvania, 2013.
Ayanso, A.. Software Reuse in the Emerging Cloud Computing Era - Chapter: Social CRM: Platforms, Applications, and Tools. Editors: Yang, H. and Liu, X.. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2012.
Ayanso, A. and Moyers, D.. Citizen 2.0: Public and Governmental Interaction through Web 2.0 Technologies - Chapter: The Role of Social Media in the Public Sector: Opportunities and Challenges. Editors: Kloby, K. and D'Agostino, M.J.. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2012.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Vachon, F.. Service-Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research, 6th International Conference, DESRIST 2011 Milwaukee, WI, USA, May 2011 Proceedings. LNCS 6629 - Chapter: Design and Behavioral Science Research in Premier IS Journals: Evidence from Database Management Research. Editors: H.Jain, A.P. Sinha, P. Vitharana. Springer, Germany, 2011.
Ayanso, A., Herath, T. and Lertwachara, K.. Community-Built Database: Research and Development - Chapter: Social Web: Web 2.0 Technologies to Enhance Knowledge Communities. Editors: Eric Pardede. Springer, New York, 2011.
Ayanso, A., Goes, P.B. and Mehta, K.. Theoretical and Practical Advances in Information Systems Development: Emerging Trends and Approaches - Chapter: Cost Modeling and Range Estimation for Top-k Retrieval in Relational Databases. Editors: Keng Siau. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2011.
Ayanso, A. and Herath, T.. Investigating Cyber Law and Cyber Ethics: Issues, Impacts and Practices - Chapter: Law and Technology at Crossroads in Cyberspace: Where do we go from here?. Editors: Dudley, A., Braman, J., Vincenti, G.. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2011.
Shah, G., Lertwachara, K. and Ayanso, A.. Healthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges, and Advancements - Chapter: New Technology and Implications for the Healthcare and Public Health: The Case of Probabilistic Record Linkage. Editors: S.M. Kabene. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, 2010.
Ayanso, A. and Herath, H.. Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations, and Management - Chapter: Real Options in Nanotechnology R&D. Editors: Harriet Black Nembhard. CRC Press, Florida, 2009.
Books Edited
Harnessing the Power of Social Media and Web Analytics: Techniques, Tools, and Applications. Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. (Editors). IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2014. (305 pages).
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Mengesha, N. and Ayanso, A.. Reconstructing the U.N. E-Government Development Classification of Nations through the Lenses of Machine Learning Techniques - The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Seoul (Virtual), Korea, 2021.
Ayanso, A.. Teaching Data Analytics in Business Schools: Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities - 7th BDAEDCON - International Big Data & Analytics Education Conference, Maryland, Maryland, June, 2019.
Han, M. and Ayanso, A.. Classifying Mobile Apps via Text Mining for Improving App Recommendation Systems - DSI 2018 49th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Chicago, Illinois, November, 2018.
Abduvaitova, L. and Ayanso, A.. Augmenting Sales Rank with User-Generated Content for Estimating Product Popularity and Sales Potential - Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Washington DC, District of Columbia, November, 2017.
Han, M. and Ayanso, A.. Leveraging Usage Pattern Data to Improve Mobile App Recommender Systems - Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Washington DC, District of Columbia, November, 2017.
Ayanso, A. and Yoogalingam, R.. Machine Learning-based Multi-criteria Inventory Classification - IFORS 2017, Quebec City, Quebec, July, 2017.
Mengesha, N., Demissie, D. and Ayanso, A.. Measuring and profiling e-government stages of nations: An application of unsupervised learning technique - The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Quebec CIty, Quebec, July, 2017.
Ayanso, A.. Teaching Data Analytics in Business Schools: Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities - Brock University Teaching and Learning Series, St. Catharines, Ontario, February, 2017.
Ayanso, A, Lertwachara, K and Chen, L. Examining the Social Media Usage and Search Engine Marketing of the Top Online Retailers in North America - 2015 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, November, 2015.
Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. Examining Customer Service Features on Retail Websites - INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, MCDM & Service Science, San Francisco, California, November, 2014.
Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. Measuring and Evaluating Customer Service Technologies on Retail Web Sites - Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November, 2011.
Ayanso, A., Cho, D. and Lertwachara, K.. ICT Development Index and the Digital Divide - Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM), Seoul, Korea, June, 2011.
Ayanso, A. and Cho, D.I.. Examining ICT Profiles and E-Government Readiness of World Nations - Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), New York, New York, September, 2010.
Ayanso, A. and Yoogalingam, R.. Multicriteria Rank Aggregation Methods for ABC Inventory Classification - POMS Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, May, 2010.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Thongpapanl, N.. What is the Influence of Stock-Keeping Units on Online Retail Sales? - Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2009.
Ayanso, A., Chatterjee, D. and Cho, D.I.. Refining the E-Government Readiness Index - Proceedings of the 36th ASAC Annual Conference, Information Systems Division, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June, 2009.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Thongpapanl, N.. A Tale of Two Stories: The Impacts of Customer Satisfaction with Online Retailers' Customer Service and Content on Sales Performance - Proceedings of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Tampa, Florida, February, 2009.
Ayanso, A., Lertwachara, K. and Thongpapanl, N.. The Direct and Indirect Impact of Customer Service and Content Management on E-Retailers Performance - Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM), Boston, Massachusetts, Summer, 2008.
Lertwachara, K., Ayanso, A. and Molla, A.. An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Against Online Music Piracy - Proceedings of the 18th Annual Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA07), Vancouver, British Columbia, May, 2007.
Ayanso, A. and Lertwachara, K.. Information Technology-enabled Value-added Services in Internet Retailing - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on E-Business (NCEB 2006), Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2006.
Lertwachara, K. and Ayanso, A.. Online Digital Music Piracy: Legal and Managerial Perspectives - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on E-Business (NCEB 2006), Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2006.
Ayanso, A. and Mehta, K.. Cost-Optimal Retrieval of Multi-Dimensional Top-k Queries - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Workshop On Information Technologies and Systems (WITS04), Washington D.C., District of Columbia, December, 2004.
Ayanso, A., Goes, P. B. and Mehta, K.. Efficient Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries over Relational Databases: A Cost-Based Optimization - International Conference In Information Systems(ICIS03) Doctoral Consortium, Seattle, Washington, December, 2003.
Other Publications and Presentations
Ayanso, A.. Revisiting the Digital Divide and e-Readiness in the Time of Pandemic, Business Link International, 2020.
Armstrong, M. and Ayanso, A.. Online shopping: Retailers seek visibility in face of Google control, The Conversation, July, 2017.
Ayanso, A.. Big Data: Transcending Disciplines in Higher Education, The evolllution, March, 2017.
Ayanso, A.. Do You and Your Organization Speak Data?, StrategyDriven, March, 2016.
Ayanso, A.. Big Data poses big questions for business schools and students, Hello Vancity, 2016.
Ayanso, A.. Is your organization big data ready?, Smart Business Network, 2016.
Ayanso, A.. The World of Big Data: What it means for HR, HR Strategy and Planning: Excellence Essentials, 2016.