Journal Articles
Julien, M., Stratton, M., and Clayton, R. History is NOT boring: Using social media to bring labor history alive, Management Teaching Review, Volume 3, Number 3, 2017.
Julien, M., Somerville, K., and Bryant, J. Indigenous perspectives on work-life enrichment and conflict in Canada, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Volume 36, Number 2, 2017.
McPhee, D., Julien, M., Wright, B., and Miller, D. Smudging, connecting, and dual identities: Case study of an Aboriginal ERG, Personnel Review, Volume 46, Number 6, 2017.
Stratton, M., Julien, M., and Schaffer, B. GoAnimate, Journal of Management Education, Volume 38, Number 2, 2014.
Higgins, C., Duxbury, L., and Julien, M. The relationship between work arrangements and work-family conflict, WORK: A Journal of Prevention Assessment and Rehabilitation, Volume 48, Number 1, 2014.
Stratton, M. and Julien, M. Xtranormal Learning for Millennials: An Innovative Tool for Group Projects, Journal of Management Education, Volume 38, Number 2, 2014.
Julien, M., Somerville, K., and Culp, N. Going beyond the work arrangement: The crucial role of supervisor support, Public Administration Quarterly, Volume 35, Number 2, Summer, 2011.
Julien, M., Wright, B., and McPhee, D. Stories from the circle: Leadership lessons learned from aboriginal leaders, Leadership Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 1, February, 2010.
Julien, M., Wright, B., and Zinni, D. Stories from the Circle: Leadership Lessons Learned from Aboriginal Leaders., Leadership Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 1, February, 2010.
Draayer, Monica and Julien, M. Grapeview Wines, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Volume 22, Number 2, 2010.
Julien, M., Zinni, D., and Wright, B. Keeper of the drums: Female Aboriginal leadership and the salience of gender, Advancing Women in Leadership, Volume 28, Summer, 2008.
Julien, M. Balancing Work and Family from an Indigenous Perspective: A critique of Clark’s work, Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning, Volume 3, Number 2, December, 2007.
Julien, M. Locus of control and Aboriginal employees, Journal of Global Business Management, Volume 3, Number 1, May, 2007.
Book Chapters / Sections
Julien, M. and Stratton, M. Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences - Chapter: Authentic Canadian Aboriginal Leadership: Living by the Circle. Editors: . Edward Elgar Publishing, Massachusetts, 2013.
Julien, M., McPhee, D., and Wright, B. Women's Leadership Issues: An International Perspective - Chapter: Female Canadian Aboriginal Leadership and The Salience Of Gender: The Keepers Of The Drums. Editors: . AdvancingWomen, Texas, 2012.
Owen, Fran, Julien, M., Sales, C., Vyrostko, B., Tardif-Williams, C., and Stoner, K. Challenges to the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities - Chapter: Ensuring rights: Systemic and educational approaches. Editors: Frances Owen and Dorothy Griffeths. Jessica Kingsley, England, 2009.
Hyatt, C., Foster, W., and Julien, M. Now is the Winter: Thinking About Hockey - Chapter: But What About My Feelings?. Editors: . , , .
Foster, W., Hyatt, C., and Julien, M. Sports Fans, Identity, and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium - Chapter: A Study of the Institutional Work of Sports Fans. Editors: . , , .
Julien, M. and Stratton, M. Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, 6th Edition - Chapter: Are you privileged?. Editors: . , , .
Wright, B., Julien, M., and McPhee, D. Reflections on Authentic Leadership: Concepts, Coalescences and Clashes - Chapter: Authentic Canadian Aboriginal Leadership: Living by the Circle. Editors: . , , .
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Stratton, M., Julien, M., Clayton, R., Stark, G., and Rhew, N. Humility in the classroom: On questioning the sage on the stage approach - The International Conference of the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, Maynooth, Ireland, 2018.
Julien, M., Clayton, R., and Stratton, M. Who's on first: An exercise on workplace communication - Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 2018.
Julien, M. and Clayton, R. Community of Practice - Business Education Research Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2017.
Stratton, M., Julien, M., and Clayton, R. Mutiny in the band of brothers: A juxtaposition of two leaders - Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, 2017.
Julien, M. and Hyatt, C. Responding to difficult situations through a teachable moment - North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, Colorado, 2017.
Julien, M., Clayton, R., and Stratton, M. Investigating the role of exercise in reducing work-life conflict - Work-Family Resource Network (WFRN) Conference, Washington, District of Columbia, 2016.
Julien, M., Stratton, M., and Clayton, C. "History is Boring!" Changing this perception through the use of social media - Organizational Behaviour Teaching Conference, La Verne, California, 2015.
McPhee, D., Julien, M., and Wright, B. Aboriginal Network Groups as an Effective Diversity Initiative - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2015.
McPhee, D., Julien, M., Wright, B., and Miller, D. Examining the Return on Inclusion: An Aboriginal Employee Resource Group Case Study - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2015.
McPhee, D., Julien, M., Wright, B., and Miller, D. Examining the Return on Inclusion: An Aboriginal Employee Resource Group Case Study - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2015.
Morgan, L. and Julien, M. Greyson Funeral Home: Case and teaching notes - North American Case Research Association, Orlando, Florida, 2015.
Denis, M. and Julien, M. Time for a Change: Case and teaching notes - North American Case Research Association, Orlando, Florida, 2015.
Julien, M., Stratton, M., Julien, K., and Moore, S. Avoiding Graduate Student Barbie: How to Improve Upon the Adviser-Student Relationship - Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2014.
Stratton, M., Clayton, R., and Julien, M. Beverly Matthews Teaching Case - Work-Family Resource Network (WFRN) Conference, New York City, New York, 2014.
Julien, M., Wright, B., Andrijiw, A., Dionne, D., and Hyatt, C. Extending the Arena to Include the Home: A Study of Work-Life Conflict in the Lives of Minor League Hockey Players and their Spouses - Hockey Conference, London, Ontario, 2014.
Martin, M. and Julien, M. Jane's Dilemma: Case and teaching notes - North American Case Research Association, Austin, Texas, 2014.
Stratton, M., Julien, M., Clayton, R., and Abdel-Samad, M. What Do Success Kid, Sheldon Cooper and Bad Luck Brian have in Common? Using memes in the classroom to help students apply management concepts - Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2014.
Stratton, M. and Julien, M. Recognizing and acknowledging privilege: An experiential exercise - Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, St. Catharines, Ontario, June, 2013.
Julien, M., Somerville, K., and Brant, J. Balancing Work-Family from an Aboriginal Perspective - Human Resource Conference for First Nation, Metis and Inuit, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2013.
Julien, M. and Stratton, M. 'What was that all about? Oh, that drives me crazy when they do that!' Acknowledging and managing faculty-staff conflict. - Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Asherville, North Carolina, 2013.
Julien, M. and Somerville, K. Balancing Work-Family from an Aboriginal Perspective - Work-Family Resource Network (WFRN) Conference, New York City, New York, 2012.
Julien, M. and Stratton, M. Exploring the Teaching Potential of - OBTC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 2011.
Dixon, I. and Julien, M. Alberta Railway Museum - North American Case Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Ruel, S. and Julien, M. Canadian space agency case - North American Case Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Vincent, V. and Julien, M. Dream job turned into a nightmare - North American Case Research Association, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Julien, M. Engaging the reluctant participant - OBTC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June, 2010.
Julien, M., Zinni, D., and Wright, B. Indigenous Peoples and Management Scholarship: The Unexplored Research Agenda. - ASAC, Regina, Saskatchewan, May, 2010.
Foster, W., Hyatt, C., Andrijiw, A., and Julien, M. Creating a rhetorical vision in the process of repairing damage to the institution: a case study from the national hockey league - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2009.
Draayer, M. and Julien, M. Peninsula Wines - North American Case Research Association, San Francisco, California, 2009.
Draayer, M. and Julien, M. Peninsula Wines - Bacchus International Interdisciplinary Wine Conference, Dijon, France, 2009.
McCann, C. and Julien, M. Sodexo Ltd - North American Case Research Association, San Francisco, California, 2009.
Julien, M. and Draayer, M. Quality Building Cleaners - North American Case Research Association, Durham, New Hampshire, October, 2008.
Julien, M. The Pygmalion Effect: Utilizing Technology in New Ways - International Academy of Business and Economics, Las Vegas, Nevada, October, 2008.
Julien, M., Sales, C., Vyrostco, B., and Owen, F. Organizational support of rights promotion in services for people with intellectual disabilities. - Rehabilitation International, Quebec City, Quebec, August, 2008.
Julien, M. and Draayer, M. Quality Building Cleaners - ASAC, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 2008.
Julien, M. Understanding Oiler Fan Reaction to Pronger in terms of Gender Role Theory - Canada and Hockey League of Nations, Victoria, British Columbia, April, 2007.
Julien, M., Duxbury, L., and Higgins, C. Beyond Alternative Work Arrangments:Perceived Schedule Flexibility as a moderator of work-life conflict - ASAC, Banff, Alberta, June, 2006.
Julien, M., Wright, B., and Zinni, D. Songs from the Circle: Leadership Lessons Learned from Aboriginal Leaders - Gender, Work and Organization, Staffordshire, England, June, 2005.
Julien, M., Wright, B., and Zinni, D. Aboriginal Network Groups: Examining the Return on Inclusion - ASAC 2005, Toronto, Ontario, 2005.
Julien, M. Finding Solutions to Work-Life Conflict: Examining Models of Control Over Work-Life Interface - Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 2007.
Other Publications and Presentations
McPhee, D., Julien, M., Wright, B., and Miller, D. Smudging, connecting, and dual identities: Case study of an Aboriginal ERG, Personnel Review, 2017.
Clayton, R., Stratton, M., Julien, M., and Humphreys, J. Beverly Matthews, Organization Management Journal, 2015.
McCann, C. and Julien, M. Hitting the Brick Wall: The Challenge of Finding More Food Services Workers, Ivey Publishing (Cases), 2012.
Zinni, D., Wright, B., and Julien, M. Want to retain aboriginal employees? Try a networking group, HR Professional, August, 2005.
Zinni, D., Wright, B., and Julien, M. International Alliance for Human Resources Research, Want to retain aboriginal employees? Try a networking group, July, 2005.