Journal Articles
Zhou, L., Li, Z., Zhou, L., Tao, H., and Bouckenooghe, D. The effects of perceived organizational support on employees’ sense of job insecurity in times of external threats: An empirical investigation under lockdown conditions in China., Asian Business & Management, Volume 22, March, 2023.
Reuber, A., Knight, G., Liesch, P., and Zhou, L. International entrepreneurship: The pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 49, Number 4, 2018.
Wu, A. and Zhou, L. Understanding earliness of internationalization and its Impact on post entry geographic diversity of international young ventures, Journal of International Marketing, Volume 26, Number 2, 2018.
Li, E., Zhou, L., and Wu, A. The supply-side of environmental sustainability and export performance: The role of knowledge integration and international buyer involvement, International Business Review, Volume 26, Number 4, 2017.
De Clercq, D., Zhou, L., and Wu, A. Unpacking the Relationship between Young Ventures' International Learning Effort and Performance in the Context of an Emerging Economy, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Volume 12, Number 1, 2016.
Zhou, L., Poon, P., and Wang, H. Consumers' reactions to global versus local advertising appeals: A test of culturally incongruent images in China, Journal of Business Research, Volume 68, Number 3, 2015.
Zhou, L. and Wu, A. Earliness of Internationalization and Performance Outcomes: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Venture Age and International Commitment, Journal of World Business, Volume 49, Number 1, 2014.
De Clercq, D., Sapienza, H.J., and Zhou, L. Entrepreneurial Strategic Posture and Learning Effort in International Ventures: The Moderating Roles of Operational Flexibilities, International Business Review, Volume 23, Number 5, 2014.
De Clercq, D. and Zhou, L. Entrepreneurial Strategic Posture and Performance in Foreign Markets: The Critical Role of International Learning Effort, Journal of International Marketing, Volume 22, Number 2, 2014.
Zhou, L. and Whitla, P. How negative celebrity publicity influences consumer attitudes: The mediating role of moral reputation, Journal of Business Research, Volume 66, Number 8, 2013.
De Clercq, D., Sapienza, H.J., Yavuz, R.I., and Zhou, L. Learning and Knowledge in Early Internationalization Research: Past Accomplishments and Future Directions, Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 27, Number 1, 2012.
Zhou, L., Wu, A., and Barnes, B. The Effects of Early Internationalization on Performance Outcomes in Young International Ventures: The Mediating Role of Marketing Capabilities, Journal of International Marketing, Volume 20, Number 4, 2012.
Barnes, B., Yen, D., and Zhou, L. Investigating Guanxi Dimensions and Relationship Outcomes: Insight from Sino-Anglo Business Relationships, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 40, Number 4, 2011.
Lu, Yuan, Zhou, Lianxi, Bruton, Garry, and Li, Weiwen Capabilities as A Mediator Linking Resources and International Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms in an Emerging Economy, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 41, Number 3, 2010.
Zhou, Lianxi, Yang, Zhiyong, and Hui, Michael, K. Non-Local or Local Brands? A Multi-Level Investigation into Confidence in Brand Origin Identification and Its Strategic Implications, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Volume 38, Number 2, 2010.
Kaynak, E. and Zhou, L. Special Issue on Brand Equity, Branding, and Marketing Communications in Emerging Markets, Journal of Global Marketing, Volume 23, Number 3, 2010.
Zhou, L., Barnes, B., and Lu, Y. Entrepreneurial Proclivity, Capability Upgrading and Performance Advantage of Newness among International New Ventures, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 41, Number 5, 2009.
Poon, P., Zhou, L., and Chan, T. Social Entrepreneurship in a Transitional Economy: A Critical Assessment of Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms, Journal of Management Development, Volume 28, Number 2, 2009.
Zhuang, G., Wang, X., Zhou, L., and Zhou, N. Asymmetric Effects of Brand Origin Confusion: Evidence from the Emerging Market of China, International Marketing Review, Volume 25, Number 4, 2008.
Gordon, L., Loeb, M., Sohail, T., Tseng, C., and Zhou, L. Cybersecurity, Capital Allocations, and Management Control Systems, European Accounting Review, Volume 17, Number 2, 2008.
Zhou, L. and Wong, A. Exploring the Influence of Product Conspicuousness and Social Compliance on Purchasing Motives of Young Chinese Consumers for Foreign Brands, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Volume 7, Number 6, 2008.
Zhou, L., Teng, L., and Poon, P. Susceptibility to Global Consumer Culture: A Three-Dimensional Scale, Psychology & Marketing, Volume 25, Number 4, 2008.
Zhou, L., Wu, W., and Luo, X. Internationalization and the Performance of Born-Global Firms: The Mediating Role of Social Networks, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 38, Number 4, July, 2007.
Zhang, G., Zhou, N., and Zhou, L. The Dilemma in Global and Local Brand Confusion among Young Chinese Consumers, Finance and Economics (Chinese Journal), Volume 7, Number 302, 2007.
Zhou, L. The Effects of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Foreign Market Knowledge on Early Internationalization, Journal of World Business, Volume 42, Number 3, 2007.
Wong, A. and Zhou, L. Determinants and Outcomes of Relationship Quality: A conceptual Model and Empirical Evidence, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 18, Number 3, 2006.
Zou, G., Huang, Z., and Zhou, L. Foreign Market Entry Strategy: Evidence from China's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Finance and Economics (Chinese Journal), Volume 6, Number 295, 2006.
Hui, M., Tse, A., and Zhou, L. Interaction between Two Types of Information on Reactions to Delays, Marketing Letters, Volume 17, Number 2, 2006.
Chen, Joseph, Aung, May, Zhou, Lianxi, and Kanetkar, V. Chinese Ethnic Identification and Conspicuous Consumption: Are There Moderators or Mediators Effect of Acculturation Dimnsions?, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 17, Number 2/3, 2005.
Luo, X., Zhou, L., and Liu, S. Entrepreneurial Firms in the Context of China’s Transition Economy: An Integrative Framework and Empirical Examination, Journal of Business Research, Volume 58, Number 1, 2005.
Zhou, L. A Dimension-Specific Analysis of Performance Only Measurement of Service Quality and Satisfaction in China’s Retail Banking, Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 18, Number 7, 2004.
Zhou, L. and Wong, A. Consumer Impulse Buying and In-Store Stimuli in Chinese Supermarkets, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Volume 16, Number 2, 2003.
Hui, M. and Zhou, L. Country-of-Manufacture Effects for Known Brands, European Journal of Marketing, Volume 37, Number 1, 2003.
Zhou, L. and Hui, M. Symbolic Value of Non-Local Origin in the PRC: The Case of Inconspicuous Products, Journal of International Marketing, Volume 11, Number 2, 2003.
Hui, Michael K. and Zhou, Lianxi Linking Product Evaluations and Purchase Intention for Country-of-Origin Effects, Journal of Global Marketing, Volume 15, Number 3/4, 2002.
Laroche, M., Kirpalani, V.H., Pons, F., and Zhou, L. A Model of Advertising Standardization in Multinational Corporation, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 32, Number 2, 2001.
Zhou, Lianxi, Iain, Murray, and Zhang, Zhiyong People's Perceptions of Foreign Hotel Chain in China's Market - An Empirical Study of the Effects of Country-of-Origin and Corporate Identity, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Volume 11, Number 4, 2001.
Laroche, Michel, Kim, Chankon, and Zhou, Lianxi Brand Familiarity and Confidence as Determinants of Purchase Intention: An Empirical Test in a Multiple Brand Context, Journal of Business Research, Volume 37, Number 1, 1996.
Laroche, Michel, Hui, Michael K., and Zhou, Lianxi A Test of the Effects of Competition on Consumer Brand Selection Processes, Journal of Business Research, Volume 31, Number 1, 1994.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Bai, W., Liu, R., and Zhou, L. Internal social capital and international performance of SMEs - Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2018.
Zhou, L. and Li, S. Heritage brands and extension evaluations - Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2017.
Feng, Y., Xu, H., and Zhou, L. Understanding the impact of global key clients on the weak supplier's technological innovation capabilities - Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2017.
Xu, S., Xu, H., Feng, Y., and Zhou, L. Unpacking the dynamics of product-market ambidexterity in the pursuit of international opportunities: insights from emerging market firms - Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2017.
Xu, H., Feng, Y., and Zhou, L. Market Knowledge Development of International Enterprises and Their Market Adaption - Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Penang, Malaysia, December, 2016.
Zhou, L., Li, E., and Wu, A. Market-Oriented Sustainability, Environmental Knowledge Integration, and Export Performance - International Association of Chinese Management Research, Hangzhou, China, 2016.
Xu, H. and Zhou, L. Buffering and Amplifying Effects of Brand Equity amid Brand Crises: A Contingency Perspective - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2015.
Zhou, L., Wu, A., and Li, E. New Venture Internationalization, Organizational Readiness, and Performance - International Association of Chinese Management Research, Beijing, China, 2014.
Zhou, L. and Wu, A. Positional Advantages and international Performance of Export Young Ventures - Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2013.
Zhou, L. and d'Astous, A. The Effects of Situational and Individual Difference Variables on Consumer Reactions to Corporate Brand Crisis - Annual World Business Conference, Paris, France, 2013.
Zhou, L., d'Atous, A., and Anctil, A. Consumer Responses to Negative Product Publicity: The Interplay between Locus of Attribution, Involvement, and Brand Equity - Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Xiamen, China, 2012.
Zhou, L., Poon, P., and Wang, H. Consumers' reactions to global versus local advertising appeals: A test of culturally incongruent ad images in China - Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Shanghai, China, 2012.
Lien, L., Bradley, R., Barnes, B., and Zhou, L. Exploring Confucian Values among East Asian Consumers: A Four Country Study - Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Shanghai, China, 2012.
Poon, P. and Zhou, L. Susceptibility to Global Consumer Culture: A Cross-Cultural Study - Association for Consumer Research, Beijing, China, 2011.
Zhou, L., Wu, A., and Chan, T. The Moderating Effects of Firm Age on Innovation and Performance of Born-Global Firms in China - Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, 2011.
Zhou, L. and Chan, T. An Institutional Approach to Alternative Strategic Orientations by Ownership Types in Transition Economies - International Association of Chinese Management Research, Shanghai, China, 2010.
Zhou, L. and Whitla, P. How Does Negative Celebrity Matter? The Role of Moral Reputation - Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
Yen, D., Barnes, B., and Zhou, L. The Effects of Guanqing, Renqing and Xinren on Anglo-Chinese Business Relationships - Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, Lille, France, 2010.
Zhou, L., Lu, Y., and Chan, T. Contextual Resources, Firm-Specific Capabilities, and International Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms from Emerging Economies - 2009 AIB Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2009.
Zhou, L., Zhuang, G., Zhou, N., and Wang, X. Exploring the Outcomes of Consumer Confusion with Foreign vs. Domestic Brand Origin: Evidence from Young Consumers in China - Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2008.
Zhou, L., Chan, T., and Lu, Y. Toward a Capability View in the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms in China - 2008 AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008.
Zhou, L., Hui, M., and Zhou, N. Confidence in Brand Origin and Its Strategic Implications: Evidence from a Developing Market - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 2007.
Lu, Y., Zhou, L., and Li, W. Home-based Product Strategies and Export Performance in International Entrepreneurial Firms - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2007.
Zhou, L., Chan, T., and Lu, Y. Learning Advantages of Newness in Internationalization: Entrepreneurial Pathways for Strategic Growth - Academy of International Business, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007.
Zhou, L. and Chan, T. An Examination of Entrepreneurial Impact on Early Internationalization: Evidence from Emerging Markets - Academy of International Business, Bangkok, Thailand, 2006.
Zhou, L., Chan, T., and Lu, Y. Entrepreneurial Proclivity, Knowledge, and Early Internationalization - Academy of International Business, Beijing, China, 2006.
Poon, P., Chan, T., and Zhou, L. Service Learning and Marketing Education - Academy of Marketing Science/Korean Academy of Marketing Science, Soul, Korea, 2006.
Zhou, L., Teng, L., and Poon, P. Susceptibility to Global Consumer Culture Influence: A Three-Dimensional Scale - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Banff, Alberta, 2006.
Zhou, L. and Chan, T. Exploratory Analysis of Cross-Border Activities in Born-Global SMEs in Mainland China - Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005.
Zhou, L., Chan, T., and Poon, P. Social Entrepreneurship in a Transition Economy: A Critical Assessment of Rural Chinese Entrepreneurial Firms - Academy of International Business, Quebec City, Quebec, 2005.
Chen, J., Aung, M., Zhou, L., and Kanetkar, V. Assessing Conspicuous Consumption Behavior in a Multicultural Society: A Mediation Approach of Acculturation Dimensions on Chinese Ethnic Identification - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, 2004.
Zhou, L., Wu, W., and Luo, X. Do Social Networks (Guanxi) Mediate the Internationalization-Performance Link? - American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2004.
Zhou, L. and Chan, T. Emerging SMEs in Mainland China: A Study of Strategic Responses - Work Business Congress Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2004.
Wong, A. and Zhou, L. Purchasing Motives of Young Chinese Consumers for Foreign Products - Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference, Queensland, Australia, 2004.
Wong, A. and Zhou, L. The Impact of Consumers' Perceptions of Relationship Quality on Key Relational Constructs - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, 2004.
Zhou, L. Understanding Consumer Confusion on Brand Origin in a Globalizing World - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, 2004.
Zhou, L. and Wong, A. Informative and Experiential Aspects of In-Store POP Posters and Impulse Buying Behavior: An Empirical Examination in Chinese Supermarkets - Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Perth, Australia, 2003.
Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., and Xu, J. A Critical Assessment of SERVQAL's Application in the Banking Context of China - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, 2002.
Li, F., Kanetkar, V., and Zhou, L. Chinese Consumer Perceptions of Western Fast Food in China - Service Marketing Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2002.