Journal Articles
Xia, J., Gu, Q., Jiang, M. and Lin, Z.. Horizontal FDI and internal R&D of local firms in emerging economies: a coopetition perspective, Management and Organization Review, Volume 19, Number 5, March, 2023.
Lin, Z., Jiang, M. and Wang, X.. Joint influence of R&D composition and environmental uncertainty on innovation performance: Insight from Transaction Cost Economics, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Volume 39, Number 4, March, 2022.
Fang, X., Jiang, M. and Li, Y.. Intangible Resources and Firms’ Innovation Performance Empirical Evidence from Chinese firms, European Journal of International Management, Volume 26, Number 2, March, 2021.
Jiang, M., Li, J., Lin, Z. and Xia, J.. Learning through observation or through acquisition? Innovation performance as an outcome of internal and external knowledge combination, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume 38, Number 1, March, 2021.
Wang, L. and Jiang, M.. Effect of Power Source Mismatch on New Venture Performance, Chinese Management Studies, Volume 12, Number 4, 2018.
Xia, J., Gu, Q., Jiang, M. and Lin, Z.. How do Local Firms Respond to Foreign Direct Investment through International R&D?, Academy of Management Proceedings, Number 1, 2018.
Wang, X. and Jiang, M.. Learning together and learning apart: the nurturing pattern in family business succession, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Volume 16, Number 2, 2018.
Jiang, M., Branzei, O. and Xia, J.. DIY: How internationalization shifts the locus of indigenous innovation for Chinese firms, Journal of World Business, Volume 51, Number 5, September, 2016.
Xia, J., Jiang, M., Qiao, K., Lin, Z. and Quan, M.. Learning through Observation or through Acquisition? Innovation Performance as an Outcome of Internal and External Knowledge Combination, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2016.
Huang, Qi, Jiang, M. and Miao, Jianjun. The effect of government subsidization on Chinese industrial firms’ technological innovation efficiency: A stochastic frontier analysis, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Volume 16, Number 4, 2015.
Xia, J., Jiang, M., Li, S. and Aulakh, P.S.. Practice Standardization in Cross-Border Activities of Multinational Corporations: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Management International Review, Volume 54, Number 5, June, 2014.
Aulakh, P., Jiang, M. and Li, S.. Licensee technological potential and exclusive rights in international licensing: A multilevel model, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 44, Number 7, September, 2013.
Jiang, M. and Menguc, B.. Brand as Credible Commitment in Embedded Licensing: A Transaction Cost Perspective, International Marketing Review, Volume 29, Number 2, 2012.
Jiang, M., Chu, Rongwei and Pan, Yigang. Anticipated duration of international joint ventures: A transaction cost perspective, Journal of International Management, Volume 17, Number 2, Winter, 2011.
Aulakh, P. S., Jiang, M. and Pan, Y.. International technology licensing: Monopoly rents, transaction costs and exclusive rights, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 41, Number 4, 2010.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Pan, Y.. Licensing duration in foreign markets: A real options perspective, Journal of International Business Studies, Volume 40, Number 4, April, 2009.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Pan, Y.. The Nature and Determinants of Exclusivity Rights in International Technology Licensing, Management International Review, Volume 47, Number 6, 2007.
Jiang, M. and MacKenzie, H.. Bargaining Power for Local IJV Partners: Local Knowledge and Skills, Journal of Global Business Management, Volume 2, Number 3, December, 2006.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Jiang, M. and Wang, L.. Outside Director Experience Heterogeneity and Firm Growth Performance - International Corporate Governance Society, Shanghai, China, 2018.
Xia, J., Gu, Q., Jiang, M. and Lin, Z.. Why Do Foreign Firms Conduct R&D Investments in an Emerging Market? A Resource Dependence Perspective - Academy of International Business, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2017.
Jiang, M.. Environmental conditions on R&D and performance - Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, June, 2016.
Quan, J., Zhou, Y., Jiang, M. and Xia, J.. Environmental Configurations of R&D Strategies: A Dependence Explanation of Innovation Performance - International Association of Chinese Management Research, Hangzhou, China, June, 2016.
Xia, J., Jiang, M., Lin, Z. and Quan, J.. Aligning internal and external R&D with environmental elements and innovation performance - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, August, 2015.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, Preet and Krishnan, Rekha. Collaboration Routinization, Social Capital, and Innovation Performance of R&D Strategic Alliances - Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August, 2014.
Jiang, M. and Aulakh, Preet. Antecedents and Performance Implications of Managerial Knowledge Transfer in International Technology Licensing: A Resource Dependence Perspective - Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, August, 2013.
Xia, J., Jiang, M. and Li, S.. Effects of ownership, importance, and alternativeness of resources on practice standardization - Academy of International Business, Washington DC, United States of America, Summer, 2012.
Xia, J., Jiang, M., Li, S. and Aulakh, P.. Resource dependence and practice adoption in cross-border alliances - Academy of Management, Boston, United States of America, August, 2012.
Jiang, M. and Branzei, Oana. Distinguishing between Know-How and Know-Why: How Substitutive Effect and Complementary Effect Occur? - Academy of Management, Saint Antonio, Texas, Summer, 2011.
Jiang, M., Oh, C.H. and Fang, Y.. How Does Political Risk Affect Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment? - Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, August, 2011.
Jiang, M., Oh, C.H. and Fang, Ying. The Moderating Role of Host Country Political Instability on Chinese Outward Direct Investment - Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, June, 2011.
Jiang, M. and Branzei, O.. Importer's Choice? Substitution and complementary effects for developing indigenous innovation capabilities - Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Aulakh, Preet, Jiang, M. and Li, Sali. Strategic flexibility and exclusive rights in international technology licensing relationships - Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, August, 2010.
Aulakh, Preet, Jiang, M. and Li, Sali. The Effect of Adverse Selection, Opportunism, and Competitor Creation Problems on Licensing Exclusivity - Academy of International Business, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, June, 2010.
Pan, Y., Jiang, M. and Aulakh, P.. IJV as Holding Period - International Association of Chinese Management Research, Shanghai, China, 2010.
Jiang, M. and Branzei, O.. Toehold internationalization: The option growth value of emerging economy’s IJVs - Strategic Management Society, Washington DC, United States of America, October, 2009.
Aulakh, P. S., Jiang, M. and Li, S.. Uncertainty, strategic flexibility and exclusive rights in international technology licensing relationships - Strategic Management Society, Washington DC, United States of America, October, 2009.
Krishnan, R., Aulakh, P. S. and Jiang, M.. Relative absorptive capacity and trust in knowledge-seeking alliances - Academy of Management, chicago, Illinois, August, 2009.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Krishnan, R.. Deliberate learning from partners: Tactics and innovation performance - Academy of International Business, San Diego, California, June, 2009.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Krishnan, R.. Interactional Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Performance - Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, August, 2008.
Jiang, M.. Technology Licensing As a Principal-Agent Relationship: A Comparison between Independent and Combined Licensing - Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, August, 2008.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Krishnan, R.. Meet me in the middle: Interactional Absorptive Capacity and its implication on recipients’ innovation performance - Academy of International Business, Milan, Italy, July, 2008.
Aulakh, P.S. and Jiang, M.. A Resource Dependence Perspective of Knowledge Transfer in International Technology Licensing - Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Summer, 2007.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Pan, Y.. Licensing duration as holding period: A real options perspective on licensing as an entry strategy in foreign markets - Academy of International Business, Indianapolis, Indiana, Summer, 2007.
Jiang, M., Pan, Y. and Aulakh, P. S.. Contractual Duration of JVs: The Influence of Asset Specificity, Uncertainty, and Small Numbers - Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 2006.
Jiang, M. and Wolf, B. M.. Adaptation: A Recipient’s Action for Knowledge Transfer Success - Academy of International Business, Beijing, China, June, 2006.
Jiang, M., Aulakh, P. S. and Pan, Y.. International Licensing: An Empirical Examination of Exclusivity Rights in Foreign Markets - Academy of International Business, Beijing, China, June, 2006.
Jiang, M., Pan, Y. and Aulakh, P. S.. Long-Term or Short-Term Agreements: The Influence of Transaction Cost Variables – Empirical Evidence from Joint Ventures in China - Academy of International Business, Beijing, China, June, 2006.
Jiang, M. and Wolf, B. M.. Technology Sourcing Firms’ Innovative Capability Increase: The Effect of Entrepreneurial Propensity and Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge - ASAC, Banff, Alberta, June, 2006.
Jiang, M.. Knowledge transfer success: the role of recipient adaptation and an empirical test - Academy of International Business, Quebec City, Quebec, June, 2005.
Jiang, M.. Anticipated duration of joint ventures - ASAC, Toronto, Ontario, May, 2005.
Jiang, M. and Aulakh, P. S.. International Technology Transfer: the Nature and Determinants of Licensing Dispersion - Academy of International Business, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2004.
Jiang, M.. Licensing as a strategy of market entry: empirical analysis of licensing exclusivity and licensing duration - York University, Toronto, Ontario, 2007.