Journal Articles
Lapointe-Antunes, P., Sainty, B., and Skrubbeltrang, G. Camelot Caves Incorporated: An Instructional Case, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 20, Number 3, 2021.
Brown, K., Kenno, S., Lau, M., and Sainty, B. Managerial perspective of ESTMA: An investigation of mandatory CSR disclosures, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 23, Number 3, 2021.
Kenno, S., Lau, M., Sainty, B., and Boles, B. Budgeting, strategic planning and institutional diversity in higher education, Studies in Higher Education, Volume 49, Number 9, 2020.
Sainty, B. and Wall, E. Hill Valley University Instructional Case, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 19, Number 2, 2020.
Dunn, P. and Sainty, B. Professionalism in Accounting: A Five-Factor Model of Ethical Decision-Making, Social Responsibility Journal, Volume 16, Number 2, 2019.
Kenno, S., Lau, M., and Sainty, B. In Search of a Theory of Budgeting, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 17, Number 4, 2018.
Kenno, S. and Sainty, B. Revising the Budgeting Model: Challenges of Implementation at a University, Accounting Horizons, Volume 18, Number 4, 2017.
Nikitkov, A. and Sainty, B. The Role of Social Media in Influencing Career Success, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Volume 22, Number 4, 2014.
Dunn, P. and Sainty, B. The Relationship Among Boards of Director Characteristics, Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance, International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume 5, Number 4, 2009.
Nikitkov, A. and Sainty, B. Designing and Implementing an Information System for the Dental Office of Branckowitz and Young, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 7, Number 4, 2008.
Callahan, Carolyn, Gabriel, E. Ann, and Sainty, B. A Review and Classification of Experimental Economics Research in Accounting, Journal of Accounting Literature, Volume 25, Number None, 2006.
Sainty, B.J., Taylor, G.K., and Williams, D. Investor Dissatisfaction Toward Auditors, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Volume 17, Number 2, 2002.
Sainty, B.J. The Role of Accounting When Employees Participate in Decision-Making, Performance Measurement and Management Control, Volume 12, 2002.
Sainty, B.J. Achieving Greater Cooperation in a Noisy Prisoner's Dilemma: an Experimental Investigation, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Volume 39, 1999.
Books Authored
Hilton, , Maher, , Selto, , and Sainty, B.J. Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Whitby, Ontario, 2000. (962 pages).
Hilton, R., Maher, M., Selto, F., and Sainty, B. Solutions Manual to accompany Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Whitby, Ontario, 2000. (- pages).
Crossan, M. and Sainty, B.J. Improvisation as a Management Tool: Preparing Organizations to Manage the Future, International Federation of Accountants, New York, New York, 1997. (19-26 pages).
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Sainty, B., Kenno, S., and Lau, M. In Search of a Theory of Budgeting: A Literature Review - Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA), Calgary, Alberta, 2018.
Kenno, S., Lau, M., and Sainty, B. Relationship of Budget Models and Strategic Planning - Canadian Association of University Business Officers, Ottawa, Ontario, 2017.
Kenno, S. and Sainty, B. University Budgets and Strategy: A survey of current practices - Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017.
Sainty, B. and Kenno, S. Revising Activity-based Budgeting to Focus on Mission and Quality - Management Accounting Research Group Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2014.
Sainty, B. and Stillabower, L. Professional Judgment: Can It Be Taught - Integration & Analysis for Professional Judgment, Teaching Colloqium, Banff, Alberta, May, 2005.
Dunn, P. and Sainty, B. The Changing Composition of Canandian Boards of Directors: The Role of Female Corporate Directors - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Association for Business and Society, Sonoma Valley, California, March, 2005.
Cook, G.L., Sainty, B., Glenney, J., and Cullen, C.W. Benchmarking and Performance in the Ontario Wine Industry - Bacchus to the Future - An International Wine Conference, St. Catharines, Ontario, June, 2002.
Cullen, C.W., Glenney, J., Sainty, B., and Cook, G.L. Marketing Orientation and Winery Performance - Bacchus to the Future - An International Wine Conference, St. Catharines, Ontario, June, 2002.
Sainty, B.J. The Role of Accounting When Employees Participate in Decision-Making - Workshop on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Nice, France, October, 2001.
Sainty, B.J. The Role of Accounting When Employees Participate in Decision-Making - Annual Conference of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Calgary, Alberta, June, 2001.