Journal Articles
Wang, K., Ashraf, A., Thongpapanl, N., Ferreira, C., Selcuk, C. and Green, T.. Acting on Impulse: The Role of Emotion, Gender Identity and Immersion in Driving Impulse Behavior, Electronic Commerce Research, In Press.
Wang, K., Ashraf, A., Thongpapanl, N. and Iqbal, I.. How Value Perceptions of Augmented Reality Shopping Drives Psychological Ownership, Internet Research, In Press.
Honora, A., Wang, K. and Chih, W.. Gaining customer engagement In social media recovery: The moderating roles of timeliness and personalization, Internet Research, Forthcoming.
Honora, A., Wang, K. and Chih, W.. The role of customer forgiveness and perceived justice in restoring relationships with customers, Service Business, Forthcoming.
Wang, K., Chih, W., Honora, A. and Wu, Y.. Investigating Antecedents of Brand Value Co-creation Behaviors in Social Media Based Brand Communities, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 64, March, 2024.
Wang, K., Ashraf, A., Thongpapanl, N. and Nguyen, O.. Influence of Social Augmented Reality App Usage on Customer Relationships and Continuance Intention: The Role of Shared Social Experience, Journal of Business Research, Volume 166, November, 2023.
Wang, K., Chih, W. and Honora, A.. How the Emoji Use in Apology Messages Influences Customers’ Responses in Online Service Recoveries: The Moderating Role of Communication Style, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 69, April, 2023.
Eyni, A., Thongpapanl, N., Ashraf, A. and Wang, K.. The Logo ‘Visual Thickness Effect’: When and why it boosts brand personality, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Volume 22, Number 2, 2023.
Honora, A., Wang, K. and Chih, W.. How does information overload about COVID-19 vaccines influence individuals’ vaccination intentions? The roles of cyberchondria, perceived risk, and vaccine skepticism, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 33, May, 2022.
Honora, A., Chih, W. and Wang, K.. Managing social media recovery: The important role of service recovery transparency in retaining customers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 64, January, 2022.
Bian, X., Tantiprapart, Y., Chryssochoidis, G. and Wang, K.. Counterfeit Patronage: Human Values, Counterfeit Experience and Construal Level, Marketing Letters, Volume 33, 2022.
Wang, X., Ashraf, A., Thongpapanl, N. and Wang, K.. Perceived Deception and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Effect of Product Type and Consumer Regulatory Orientation, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Volume 21, Number 6, 2022.
Wang, K., Bublitz, M. and Zhao, G.. Enhancing dieters' perseverance in adversity: How counterfactual thinking increases use of digital health tracking tools, Appetite, Volume 164, Number 1, 2021.
Hsu, L., Wang, K., Chih, W. and Lin, W.. Modeling revenge and avoidance in the mobile service industry, The Service Industries Journal, 2021.
Wang, K., Chih, W., Hsu, L. and Lin, W.. Investigating Apology, Perceived Firm Remorse, and Consumers’ Coping Behaviors in the Digital Media Service Recovery Context, Journal of Service Management, Volume 31, Number 3, June, 2020.
Wang, K., Chih, W. and Hsu, L.. Building Brand Community Relationships on Facebook Fan Pages: The Role of Perceived Interactivity, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Volume 24, Number 2, 2020.
Hu, T., Wang, K., Chih, W. and Yang, X.. Trade off Cybersecurity Concerns for Co-Created Value, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 60, Number 5, 2020.
Lin, C., Wang, K., Chang, S. and Lin, J.. Investigating the Development of Brand Loyalty in Brand Communities from a Positive Psychology Perspective, Journal of Business Research, Volume 99, June, 2019.
Hsu, L., Wang, K. and Chih, W.. Investigating virtual community participation and promotion from a social influence perspective, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Volume 118, Number 6, July, 2018.
Lin, Y, Wang, K. and Hsieh, J. Creating an Effective Code-Switched Ad for Monolinguals: The Influence of Brand Origin and Foreign Language Familiarity, International Journal of Advertising, Volume 36, Number 4, 2017.
Bian, X., Wang, K., Smith, A. and Yannopoulou, N. New Insights into Unethical Counterfeit Consumption, Journal of Business Research, Volume 69, Number 10, October, 2016.
Lin, Y. and Wang, K. Language Choice in Advertising for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms: A Re-Inquiry Focusing on Monolinguals, Journal of Advertising, Volume 45, Number 1, February, 2016.
Lin, Y. and Wang, K.. Local or Global Image? The Role of Consumers' Local-Global Identity in Code-Switched Advertising Effectiveness Among Monolinguals, Journal of Advertising, Volume 45, Number 4, 2016.
Hsu, L., Wang, K., Chih, W. and Lin, K. Investigating the Ripple Effect in Virtual Communities: An Example of Facebook Fan Pages, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 51, Number PartA, October, 2015.
Bian, X. and Wang, K. Are size-zero female models always more effective than average-sized ones? Depends on Brand and self-esteem!, European Journal of Marketing, Volume 49, Number 7/8, 2015.
Chang, S. and Wang, K. Investigating the Antecedents and Consequences of an Overall Store Price Image in Retail Settings, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Volume 22, Number 3, 2014.
Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Chih, W. Retaining customers after service failure recoveries: A contingency model, Managing Service Quality, Volume 24, Number 4, 2014.
Wang, K., Ting, I. and Wu, H. Discovering Interest Groups for Marketing in Virtual Communities-An Integrated Approach, Journal of Business Research, Volume 66, Number 9, 2013.
Hsu, L., Wang, K. and Chih, W. Effects of Web Site Characteristics on Customer Loyalty in B2B E-commerce - Evidence from Taiwan, The Service Industries Journal, Volume 33, Number 11, 2013.
Wang, K., Shih, E. and Peracchio, L. How Banner Advertisements Can Be Effective: Investigating the Influences of Exposure Duration and Banner Ad Complexity, International Journal of Advertising, Volume 32, Number 1, 2013.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Huang, S. Investigating eWOM effects on online discussion forums:The Role of Perceived Positive eWOM Review Credibility, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 16, Number 9, 2013.
Chang, S., Wang, K., Chih, W. and Tsai, W. Building Customer Commitment in Business-to-Business Markets, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 41, Number 6, 2012.
Yan, R. and Wang, K.. Franchisor-Franchisee Supply Chain Cooperation: Sharing of Demand Forecast Information in High-Tech Industries, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 41, Number 7, 2012.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Cheng, I. From Disconfirmation to Switching: An Empirical Investigation of Switching Intentions After Service Failure and Recovery, The Service Industries Journal, Volume 32, Number 8, 2012.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. Strategies to Offset Dissatisfactory Product Performance: The Role of Post-purchase Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Volume 64, Number 8, August, 2011.
Yan, R. and Wang, K. Market Forecasting Information and Firm Pricing-Advertising Strategies, International Journal of Information & Decision Sciences, Volume 1, Number 4, 2009.
Feng, F., Wang, K. and Peracchio, L. How Third-Party Organization (TPO) Endorsement Advertising Works: Do Consumers Perceive TPO Endorsement as Signals of Quality?, Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 35, Number 1, 2008.
Book Chapters / Sections
Yang, X., Bublitz, M., Wang, K. and Peracchio, L. Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy - Chapter: Consumer Creativity and Its Implications for Sustainability Marketing. Editors: . ME Sharpe, New York, 2013.
Wang, K., Peracchio, L. and Luna, D. Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century - Chapter: The Role of Thin Slice Judgments in Retail Environments. Editors: Tina M. Lowrey. LEA, New York, 2007.
Wang, K. and Peracchio, L. Go Figure! New Directions in Advertising Rhetoric - Chapter: Reading Pictures: Understanding the Stylistic Properties of Advertising Images. Editors: Edward F. McQuarrie and Barbara J. Phillips. M.E. Sharpe, New York, 2007.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Wang, K., Bublitz, M. and Zhao, G.. Perseverance in Adversity: Using Counterfactual Thinking to Empower Dieters - American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Austin, Texas, February, 2019.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Ortiz, J. and Junaidi, J.. Exploring the Antecedents of Value Co-Creation on Social Networking Sites: The Role of Trust and Social Capital - Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, Chicago, Illinois, November, 2018.
Wang, K.. Enhancing Experiential Learning Through Search Engine Marketing Campaigns - Educating for the Future: Learning Outcomes and Experiential Learning Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, October, 2018.
Wang, K.. Six Steps for Search Engine Marketing Learning - Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, September, 2018.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Lin, W.. Is An Apology Enough To Recover From A Mobile Application Service Failure? Investigating The Effect Of Perceived Firm Remorse And Customer Empathy On Customer Coping Behavior - Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2018.
Wang, K., Bublitz, M. and Zhao, G.. Perseverance in Adversity: Using Counterfactual Thinking to Empower Dieters - American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Columbus, Ohio, June, 2018.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Lin, W.. Investigating Antecedents and Consequences of Anger After a Mobile Application Service Failure Occurs: A Cognitive-Emotive Coping Model Approach - Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2018.
Wang, K. and Zhao, G.. Advertising Feasibility or Desirability Attributes? The Role of Counterfactual Thinking in Persuasion after Negative Consumption Episodes - American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2017.
Lin, Y., Wang, K. and Chang, W.. Comparing Typical or Atypical Attributes? The Role of Comparison Valence and Relative Market Share in Comparative Ad Persuasion - American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2017.
Hsu, L., Wang, K. and Chih, W.. Investigating Virtual Community Participation and Promotion from a Social Influence Perspective - Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2017.
Lin, Y. and Wang, K.. Consumer Global-Local Identity, Brand Origin, and Code-Switched Ad Effectiveness Among Monolinguals - Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China, July, 2016.
Lin, C., Wang, K., Chang, S. and Lin, J.. Investigating the Development of Brand Loyalty in Brand Communities from a Positive Psychology Perspective - Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China, July, 2016.
Chang, S. and Wang, K. The Impact of Impression Management Tactics and Identity Similarity and Distinctiveness on Customer-based Salesperson Performance - National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March, 2016.
Lin, Y. and Wang, K.. Re-investigating Language Choice for Multinational Corporations and Local Firms with a Focus on Monolinguals - American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February, 2016.
Bian, X., Wang, K., Smith, A. and Yannopoulou, N. Revealing Psychological Insights Behind Counterfeit Consumption - American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August, 2015.
Spence, S., Wang, K., Thongpapanl, N. and Green, T.. When do Anticipated Guilt Ads Lead to Ethical Consumption? Identifying Moderating Variables from a Literature Review - Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May, 2015.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Yuan, T. Effects of Perceived Interactivity on Facebook Fan Page Users’ Behavior Intentions - International Conference on Business and Internet , Taipei, Taiwan, April, 2015.
Chih, W., Hsu, L., Wang, K. and Lin, K. The Mediating Role of Facebook Fan Page Users’ Interestingness Attitude in Electronic Word-of-Mouth Intentions - CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy and Social Networking Conference, Washington, District of Columbia, June, 2014.
Bian, X., Wang, K., Smith, A. and Yannopoulou, N. Revealing motivations and psychological processes during the consumption of counterfeit luxury brands - Monaco Symposium on Luxury, Monaco, Monaco, April, 2014.
Wang, K. and Zhao, G. Counterfactual Thinking and Consumers’ Preference for Product Feasibility - American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Orlando, Florida, February, 2014.
Lin, Y. and Wang, K.. The Role of Consumer Identity in Code-Switched Ad Effectiveness - Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: The Asian Consumer, Singapore, Singapore, December, 2012.
Wang, K., Yang, X. and Jain, S. Negative Consumption Episodes, Counterfactuals and Persuasion - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, 2012.
Bian, X., Yannopoulou, N., Wang, K. and Liu, S. Why Are Consumers Fans of Counterfeit Branded Products? - Consumer Psychological Motivations in Counterfeit Consumptions - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, 2012.
Wang, K. and Zhao, G. How does counterfactual thinking influence consumer preference and ad persuasion? - AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August, 2012.
Lin, Y., Wang, K. and Hsieh, Y. Does Brand Origin Matter to the Effectiveness of a Code-Switched Ad? - Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, July, 2012.
Wang, K., Hsu, L., Chih, W. and Chu, S. How to Retain Customers in Service Failures? - International Conference on Innovation and Management, Koror, Palau, July, 2012.
Lin, Y., Wang, K. and Hsieh, J. The Persuasiveness of Code-switched Ad - Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 2012.
Wang, K., Thongpapanl, N., Ting, I. and Wu, H. Identifying Structural Heterogeneities Between Social Networks for Effective Word-of-Mouth Marketing - International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July, 2011.
Yang, X., Bublitz, M., Wang, K. and Peracchio, L. Consumer Creativity and Its Implications for Sustainability Marketing - Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Eugene, Oregon, May, 2011.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Huang, Y. Let’s Go Online Shopping: An integration of person and system cognition-based approaches - Academic Conference on Management and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan, March, 2011.
Wang, K. and Yang, X. Counterfactual Priming Effects on Advertising Persuasion - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, October, 2010.
Zhao, G. and Wang, K.. The Impact of Counterfactual Mindset on Consumer Information Processing - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, October, 2010.
Wang, K., Ting, I. and Wu, H. Discovering Interest Groups for Effective Marketing in Virtual Communities – An Integrated Approach - Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2010.
Chih, W., Wang, K., Hsu, L. and Cheng, I. From Disconfirmation to Switching: An Empirical Investigation of Switching Intentions After Service Failure and Recovery - Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2010.
Wang, K., Ting, I., Wu, H. and Chang, P. A Dynamic and Task-Oriented Social Network Extraction System Based on Analyzing Personal Social Data - ASONAM 2010 International Conference (MSNDS2010 Workshop session), Odense, Denmark, August, 2010.
Wu, H., Ting, I. and Wang, K. Combining Social Network Analysis and Web Mining Techniques to Discover Interest Groups in the Blogspace - International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December, 2009.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. Does Thinking Make It So? The Effect of Counterfactual Thinking on Product Evaluations - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October, 2009.
Wang, K., Chih, W. and Jhong, D. Let's blog! A social cognitive perspective of intention to use blog - International Conference of Electronic Commerce, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2009.
Chang, S., Chih, W. and Wang, K. Maintaining Customer Loyalty after a Merger-An Empirical Study of the Taiwanese Banking Industry - International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2009.
Wang, K., Yang, X. and Peracchio, L. The Effect of Optimism on Consumer Advertising Information Processing - Society for Consumer Psychology Annucal Conference, San Diego, California, February, 2009.
Wang, K., Yang, X. and Peracchio, L. Levels of Focus: The Impact of Optimism on Consumer Information Processing - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, October, 2008.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. The Impact of Counterfactual Thinking on Postpurchase Evaluation - Southern Ontario Behavioral Decision Research Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, May, 2008.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. Ease of Banner Ad Processing as a Moderator of Perceptual Fluency Effects in Advertising - Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, February, 2008.
Feng, J., Wang, K. and Peracchio, L. How Third-party Organization (TPO) Endorsement Advertising Works: Do Consumers Perceive TPO Endorsement as Signals of Quality? - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, October, 2007.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. The Impact of Counterfactual Thinking on Customer Purchase Response - Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February, 2007.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition and Counterfactual Thinking on Product Evaluation - Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, September, 2006.
Wang, K., Peracchio, L. and Luna, D. The Role of Thin Slice Judgments in Retail Environments - Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Houston, Texas, May, 2006.
Wang, K., Liang, M. and Peracchio, L. The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition and Counterfactual Thinking on Product Evaluation - Society for Consumer Psychology, St. Pete Beach, Florida, February, 2005.
Wang, K.. Does Thinking Make It So? The Role of Counterfactual Thinking - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2007.